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On working memory testing

I have a question regarding the testing for working memory. I am aware of 3 tests. The first is a matrix test, where you are shown multiple shaded squares for some time and asked to remember them. The ...
user992197's user avatar
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Do people with ADHD typically underperform on IQ tests? [duplicate]

To me, there seems to be a great disagreement about what IQ is supposed to measure. I have heard about psychologists taking ADHD/depression/other mental illnesses into account when deciding on the ...
user110391's user avatar
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Recomendations for an intelligence test

Is there any culture-fair intelligence test, that is not of public knowledge (that is, the answers can be easily viewed online, or has been used extensively to the point it lacks validity), that doesn'...
gabriel's user avatar
6 votes
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Is anything known about pygmy intelligence?

I read that pygmies split from other human lineages pretty long ago, before modern humans appeared. That, and the fact that they still remain hunter-gatherers, makes me suspect that they might still ...
Wolphram jonny's user avatar
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How was the infant IQ test applied to Koko?

Apparently, a Gorilla named Koko took a number of IQ tests and scored an average of 80, their full range of scores being 70 to 95. The test used was the Cattell Infant Intelligence Scale. I don't ...
A. Kvåle's user avatar
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Isn't fluid intelligence necessarily influenced by crystallized intelligence?

In this article, it is said: Conversely, Gf [general fluid intelligence] represents the ability to employ a type of mental operation to independently reason and solve novel problems; it does not ...
A. Kvåle's user avatar
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Do different ethnic groups have the same standard deviation of the IQ distribution?

There is a lot of research suggesting that different ethnic groups either within US or worldwide if all plotted together would have distributions of IQ with different averages. The reasons for that ...
chugeth's user avatar
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What is verbal memory useful for?

A friend of mine did the Verbal Memory Test at and got an extremely high score (almost 300 words). English is not his first language and he knew the meaning of only about ...
user avatar
8 votes
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Is there a theoretical maximum for IQ?

In "Eugenics: A Reassessment" Richard Lynn writes: The intelligence level of the population would be expected to stabilize at its theoretical maximum of around 200 after six or seven ...
asahi's user avatar
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How is the mean for the Cattell IQ tests calculated?

British Mensa uses Cattell Culture Fair and Cattell III B tests. The Cattell Culture Fair Test has a mean and SD of 100 and 16 respectively. The Cattell III B has a mean and SD of 100 and 24 ...
AnonyMouse's user avatar
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How are IQ test scores affected by psychological stress or trauma?

Does mental stress or trauma have a significant impact on IQ test performance relative to baseline, and if so, how much? For example, if a person is affected by abuse, bullying, neglect, or some other ...
user2638180's user avatar
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IQ Heritability: from father vs mother?

I think on Wiki here it is suggested that IQ is inherited to some degree. But I can't find scientific information on whether it is more inherited from mother or father? e.g. if both mother and father ...
nicolas's user avatar
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How is the weight of Weschler subscales calculated towards general IQ?

How do the Wechsler IQ (e.g. WAIS III) tests indices (e.g. verbal IQ, performance IQ) and sub-scales contribute to overall IQ? What are the weights of each? If a person scores above 99.9th (maximum) ...
Eggman's user avatar
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Impact of pre-college schooling on IQ (WAIS)?

Introduction I'll give context for my question from personal experience, but then I'll generalize my question so that it's broadly useful. When I was a child, my mother home schooled me. When I ...
icor103's user avatar
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How is intelligence in children measured?

Intelligence is dependent on mental age and education. So how can an IQ test be performed to check the mental/intellectual capabilities in children?
Insha Darwaish's user avatar
3 votes
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Bounds on skew and kurtosis of IQ

The question of whether IQ is Normally distributed, or instead follows e.g. a Pearson type IV distribution, has been debated since at least the 1910s. The quotient- and deviation-based definitions ...
J.G.'s user avatar
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Paper discussing economic rationale of IQ-based hiring practices

TL;DR I'm looking for a paper that explicitly quantifies the ROI an employer would likely derive if personnel selection involved intelligence testing and only those +2 SD in cognitive ability were ...
faustus's user avatar
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What does it mean statistically for there to be significant differences in average IQ scores between racial groups?

Charles Murray (in his book, "The Bell Curve") reported that there are real differences between the mean IQ scores of different racial groups. He also points out that IQ variation within said groups ...
froimovi's user avatar
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Multiple-stratum intelligence models

My question concerns the mathematics of multiple-stratum models, about which I've not found much that's quantitative, so excuse my inventing my own notation to explain my thoughts. In models such as ...
J.G.'s user avatar
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Are there dual-process IQ tests?

I mean tests that try to measure system 1 and system 2 performance separately, but more than short lists of trick questions which unfortunately seem to make the bulk of the empirical work in this dual-...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
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In I.Q. and Cognitive Tests, What Sequence Patterns Should be Applied?

Nearly every I.Q. and Cognitive test seems to ask questions for the "next item in the sequence". But, there just seems to be so many possibilities, and I can usually find a way that all of the ...
elika kohen's user avatar
12 votes
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Correlation between "mechanical aptitude" and IQ

I am an economist working in labour market issues. It is common in my field to divide jobs between those who are intensive in "manual" tasks and those who are intensive in "cognitive" tasks (e.g. here)...
luchonacho's user avatar
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Are there any approaches to measuring “physical”/“neurophysiological” aspects of one's intellectual tone/state of fluid intelligence?

Is it possible to measure/approximate/estimate intelligence with a physiological metric? What I mean is, if I put it correctly: to measure/estimate short-term memory capacity/long-term memory ...
Laffy's user avatar
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Why would I be asked to count backwards by 3, from 100 in a psychological test?

On an initial mental health consultation with a psychiatric nurse practitioner, I was asked, among many other odd questions, to count backwards by three. 100, 97, 94... This was quite a number of ...
knivez's user avatar
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Taking into account reliability of Raven's Matrices and Self Monitoring tests

I've results of two tests administered to university students: the 18-item true-false version of the Self-Monitoring Scale (Snyder & Gangestad, 1986); the Raven Progressive Matrices Test (John &...
Forinstance's user avatar
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How to interpret intelligence test scores for an individual who has taken a test multiple times in quick succession?

Specific context: A test subject took the same Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices IQ test three times and first scored 115, then 107, and finally 143. The same test was taken three times within 3 ...
Michael's user avatar
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How do cognitive scientists measure creativity?

Einstein said once something like creativity is more important than intelligence. Intelligence as it is measured is really one's speed and efficiency at processing information. How one processes the ...
201044's user avatar
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What are the average raw scores, and standard deviations for the WAIS-IV subtests?

What are the average raw scores, and standard deviations for the WAIS-IV subtests (scores are normalized)? For example, the digit symbol task gives you 120 seconds to substitute as many digits for ...
Kevin Kostlan's user avatar
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How to calculate IQ from bhatia battery test?

How to find out IQ from bhatia battery test? Suppose time for each of the 5 subtests is noted down. What are the steps to reach at an IQ value from here?
user4883's user avatar
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Have IQ-type measures been tried for other animals?

Despite the obvious difficulties pertaining to definition and measurement, and the various controversies surrounding the use of IQ-type scores in human beings, it seems unquestionable that there are ...
David Holden's user avatar
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Effect of time limits on problem solving

I recently took part in psychological testing as part of a recruitment process to a job. I was not happy about the evaluation I got and I asked for a feedback discussion with the psychologist. The ...
finka's user avatar
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What exactly is IQ, and how to develop or improve it?

Some people are said to have exceptionally high IQ. What exactly is that supposed to mean? Is it possible to develop high IQ if one doesn't have it? If yes, then how?
Aquarius_Girl's user avatar
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To what extent is time to complete an intelligence test incorporated into the IQ score?

In this previous question on scoring IQ tests the OP asked about the effect of speed of test, but it was a bit peripheral to the core question. So I thought I'd ask it as a separate question. To ...
Jeromy Anglim's user avatar
6 votes
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How is age related change in IQ measured if tests use age specific norms?

In a comment to this question about age related IQ decline in professors and scientists, the following comment was left: I noticed that lot of IQ tests (RPM or California) have different norms ...
Jeromy Anglim's user avatar
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Dyslexia and IQ

Background Information of my questions: At the age of eight I was "diagnosed" with Dyslexia, I am now 47. I went from not being able to read and barely able to write to a college reading level in 9 ...
Charlotte's user avatar
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What is the correlation between Grade Point Average (GPA) and intelligence?

What is an authoritative empirical estimate of the correlation between pscyhometric measures of intelligence and Grade Point Average (GPA)? What are the main factors that influence the size of the ...
Jeromy Anglim's user avatar
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How to estimate IQ for public figures?

Background: I read a question on Quora that asked how intelligent is Barack Obama. A wide range of arguments were presented. The tone of the answers was not neutral because of the political context of ...
Jeromy Anglim's user avatar
7 votes
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What is the difference between IQ and Executive Function?

I was reading an article today that stated that people with high IQ's that have trouble with social skills, memory, being punctual (on time), emotional control, and "growing up" are likely to have ...
leeand00's user avatar
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What is the relationship between computer game performance and measures of ability? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Any work being done on Perception, Action, and/or Cognition in Video games? What is the relationship between computer game performance and measures of ability?
Jason McPherson's user avatar
24 votes
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Free online intelligence test with norm table, high reliability, and must be printable?

I am looking for a general intelligence test which meets the following requirements: available online for free there is a table which translates "points" to IQ (I don't want a hidden online ...
Julia's user avatar
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Is there a correlation between high IQ and creativity?

Is there a correlation between high IQ for example over 125 and creativity? Is creativity improved or does its importance simply diminish? Maybe there could also be confounding variables as well? It ...
InquilineKea's user avatar
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What transient factors affect performance on IQ tests?

While performance on intelligence tests aim to measure an underlying relatively stable trait, there are presumably a range of transient factors that could temporarily lower or possibly even raise ...
InquilineKea's user avatar
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Public domain scientific intelligence test available for use in research

The IPIP is an example of a public domain scientific personality inventory that can be used for research. Are there any good public domain scientific measures of intelligence? Requirements Do not ...
Jeromy Anglim's user avatar
5 votes
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Beyond a certain level, is reading comprehension affected more by psychological intuition than by verbal intelligence?

Certainly, you have reading comprehension passages on the SAT, GRE, and LSAT. But beyond that point, is it really possible to measure reading comprehension through multiple-choice tests? There are ...
InquilineKea's user avatar
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