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Questions tagged [cognitive-psychology]

For questions focusing on the interaction of many internal mental processes. If your question involves only one of memory, attention, language, decision-making, or perception then use the associated specialized tag instead of cognitive-psychology.

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Axioms of Thought and Intelligence [closed]

I am completely unfamiliar with psychology; perhaps this is bold to say, but I am more of a philosopher. I have observed people, and I have always been interested in intelligence. This is my ...
Nemesis TS's user avatar
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How much does our conscious recognition of time affect our circadian rhythm?

Thought experiment: All timezones have been deleted, and everyone on Earth switched to an arbitrary Global Time that is the same anywhere on the planet. Bob is an early riser and have always duly ...
No Name's user avatar
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Are people born or do they become selfish?

The majority of the people are selfish.But do we become selfish or are we born selfish?Does the upbringing influence that or are people inherently bad? I can think of some cases which makes a person ...
Root Groves's user avatar
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Why some scripts are right-to-left and others are left-to-right?

Is there any explanation/ theory/ research how humans have set the direction (left or right) of their writing scripts? Is there any meaningful (e.g. evolutionary) factor for sticking to either ...
drabsv's user avatar
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How to compare ChatGPT response with human participant responses?

I am doing a study in which I intend to study if the response of chatGPT corresponds to responses by human participants. I will ask human participants (n = 50) to rate the correctness of some ...
Christina's user avatar
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Where does sensory pleasure lie in the common theories of human desire?

Most basic theories I've read so far like Maslow’s, Reiss' etc. outline similar needs in a different form (Reiss' seemed being more detailed and focused on the social aspect) but where does the ...
Leeroy Jenkins's user avatar
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Combining Data from Multiple Participants for Statistical Analysis in a Facial Expression Memory Task

I am working on a project involving a memory task for facial expressions, consisting of two phases: Encoding Phase: There are 8 trials in which participants view 8 different virtual characters, each ...
StupefiedByYou's user avatar
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What are the measures to determine Depression, Anxiety and Stress from 68-facial landmark data (CK+)?

i have been trying to find any kind of information or resource about this for coding in jupyter. I have already took out the landmarks using dlib python library of images and saved them in a csv. And ...
Mahir Shadid's user avatar
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A "cognitive fallacy" occurring when thinking something is obvious? [duplicate]

The other day a friend of mine was sharing some of his recent philosophical reflections and I caught myself mentally rolling my eyes thinking that this is completely obvious. Then I thought to myself: ...
mnmse475's user avatar
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How are the ideas of Karl Weick on sensemaking and George Kelly on the "naive scientist"/Personal Construct Theory regarded currently?

I am looking into ideas on personal sensemaking in relation to the ideas of Karl Weick (originally corporate collective sensemaking in organization theory) and George Kelly's notion of the "naive ...
iSeeker's user avatar
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Question about programming behavioral experiments

Looking to program a behavioral experiment where two people interact via writing done on digitizer pads (like Wacom pads) in real-time. What language would cogsci/compsci people recommend for this? ...
unerkannt's user avatar
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Where is data on percentiles of the Big Five Inventory?

I have raw scores (e.g., sums of the relevant question scores for each measure) from the Big Five Inventory (BFI). I would like to convert these into percentiles for interpretation. Where are the data ...
BigMistake's user avatar
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Which sub-field of psychology is the best for a research focus on complex trauma?

Which sub-field of psychology is the best option for a research focus on complex trauma (CPTSD)? I want to apply for a PhD in psychology. I like research, but like clinical works too. However, my main ...
Sasan's user avatar
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Question about late-onset Conduct Disorder and Antisocial Personality Disorder

If Conduct Disorder started at 15, 16 or 17 and if that behavior persists in adulthood, would that person be diagnosed with Antisocial Personality Disorder? With new diagnostic DSM-5 model for ...
Oren Franz's user avatar
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How are dreams "experienced" if recall is correlated with waking during a specific cycle of sleep (REM sleep)?

My understanding of dreams, from some basic research, seems to be that they occur during REM sleep and are likely forgotten unless waking happens during REM sleep, which is correlated with dream ...
Richard C's user avatar
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What does cognitive theory say about metacognitive reading strategies such as "looking for the main idea"?

In his seminal essay Classroom Research and Cargo Cults E. D. Hirsch wrote: It is dangerous to predict long-term benefits from short-term results. Random assignment research has shown short-term ...
1f604's user avatar
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Question about Megalomania, Egomania and subtypes of complex

Why are Megalomania, Egomania, and subtypes of the complex not in DSM-5-TR and ICD-11?
Oren Franz's user avatar
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I need help with finding this specific psychology study!

I don't know where I have read this or watched this, but it's about a study which asks its participants (who were established as logical) to tear the photos of their families in exchange for some ...
Sai Deepak's user avatar
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Purely cognitive, as opposed to neuropsychological, characterizations of schizophrenia

Has anyone attempted to characterize schizophrenia purely by particular patterns in the way they think, based on the things they say? I mean for example, looking at a lot of recorded data of things ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
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Functional/Cognitive Acuity/Manipulability

I'm trying to find an existing construct for what I refer to in my research as "Functional Acuity" (hereafter FA). The concept of FA is analogous to what one can see with v w/o one's glasses....
jackisquizzical's user avatar
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Does such a theory exist?

Is there any model that describes how people behave while taking compositions of emotions into account? Such as, how different the behavior of a person is when he is (10% angry + 50% sad + 40% some ...
Shadman Sakib's user avatar
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visual memory improvement for mnemotecnics (method of loci)

I have used the method of loci(art of memory/memory palace) in the past and I was able at the end to memorize a deck of shuffled 48 cards in 20 minutes but I had a very bland capacity for ...
Chuck's user avatar
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What is the name of this experiment that showed that humans are innately inclined to ask questions?

Years ago I watched a documentary that was about how humans are unique compared to other animals. In it they highlighted an experiment that was done on both human toddlers and chimpanzees. The ...
Genevieve's user avatar
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What introductory and advanced textbooks on cognitive psychology are recommended? [closed]

What introductory and advanced textbooks on cognitive psychology are recommended? Thanks.
Tim's user avatar
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Leveraging emotional intelligence effectively in choice process

I am stuck between choosing between a few options. I have analyzed them rationally and yet I cannot decide what is the most suited for me. I have read that a powerful tool here would be leveraging ...
Lilla's user avatar
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Does being rocked in a cradle or sleeping on a ship improve sleep quality in the same way?

As we all know, mothers tend to rock the child in a cradle or in their hands. Is there any research finding that supports the claim that rocked babies sleep better than ones only held still in their ...
LimeAndConconut's user avatar
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Is it possible for someone to experience amnesia immediately after a traumatic event?

I was wondering if at the end of a painful experience, it is possible for a person to forget what happened before the traumatic event. Specifically, can the retrograde amnesia happen instantly after ...
Bruno_Bengochea's user avatar
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What is the area of Psychology called that focuses on interaction and emotions?

Quickly to my background, I did communications studies for my bachelors and I am currently finishing my Psychology master. In short, I should know what i am about to ask, but I don't. When a person ...
G.M's user avatar
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Can you use a test for clinical purposes if it is available in a public thesis?

The situation is as follows: say you find a Phd/ MSc thesis on a university's online library. In the Appendix part of the thesis, there is a copy of the psychometric tools used, for e.g the digit span ...
Elles's user avatar
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Do people with ADHD typically underperform on IQ tests? [duplicate]

To me, there seems to be a great disagreement about what IQ is supposed to measure. I have heard about psychologists taking ADHD/depression/other mental illnesses into account when deciding on the ...
user110391's user avatar
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Observational Learning - Where does encoding, storage and retrieval occur?

It has been taught to me that there are 5 stages (or requirements) that enable observational learning to occur. That is, attention, retention, reproduction, motivation and reinforcement. My teachers ...
charl2.718's user avatar
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Is digital notetaking a variation of hoarding disorder?

In recent years, note taking apps such as ever note, obsidian, and such have gained immense popularties. It has become a passion of many people to create the maximum number of notes, organize and ...
Cantor Dust Drachen's user avatar
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Looking for Tutorials/Resources to analyze cognitive experiments data

I'm analyzing a dataset which has Go/No Go, Wisconsin Card Sorting, Stroop task. I wanted to know if there is a tutorial that follows a "best-practice" way of analyzing data. Like for ...
Pss's user avatar
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Looking for the name of a phenomenon

My old psych teacher talked to us about how after the first person ran a 4 minute mile, the subsequent year or so many others managed it too. And he said that when people know something to be possible,...
Jim stoke's user avatar
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Is there a term describing "doing activities", in relation to mental health?

Im trying to find a connection between mental health outcomes and how much stimulation people have. Particular in reference to older adults. The extreme being sitting doing nothing. The problem is ...
Jim stoke's user avatar
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What is the mechanism that makes people more likely to act when provided with proof of non-new (and often trivial) information?

Is there a name for the psychological mechanism according to which a person is more likely to act when provided with proof of information they are already convinced about? Information which is often ...
Caserio's user avatar
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Does cognitive psychology define motivation in terms of information processing?

I recently asked a question on that if an amoeba showed "avoidance" behavior, would this constitute a "motivation" to avoid something. Within a biology ...
Larry Freeman's user avatar
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How does one overcome negative subconcious beliefs?

Let's say for instance there is some topic $Y$, and maybe one has some negative feelings about it. And, one doesn't feel good that they feel negatively about $Y$, so they make a concious effort to ...
Cantor Dust Drachen's user avatar
3 votes
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Is there a proper psychological term to describe "integrity" i.e. acting according to ones convictions/values?

Im trying to find out (for a paper) if there is a link between not being able to act according to ones own values, due to abuse or other factors, and depression. My issue is that the only term I can ...
Jim stoke's user avatar
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How does psychological exhaustion work?

Let's say I am studying a subject X. I believe as the time spent on the subject X increases, the marginal rate of knowledge gained per unit time decreases to almost nothing. This reduce is associated ...
Cantor Dust Drachen's user avatar
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Is there a proper term for describing when a person gives up?

Ive come across apathy, learned helplessness and "give up itis". The last of which is exactly what Im looking for, however it seems to invariably involve death. Is there a psychological term ...
Jim stoke's user avatar
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What kind of statistical analysis is suitable for this simple but unresearched data?

The data is regarding the perceived roundedness of given word stimuli (n=36). Each participant (n=44) rates each stimuli on two scales, roundedness & familiarity (both from 1-7 not round (sharp)/...
WiccanKarnak's user avatar
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Simulating accuracy according to a predictor variable? (R)

I'm trying to illustrate a proof-of-concept by simulating some data in RStudio, but I'm not totally sure how to go about the first part of the simulation -- modelling response accuracy. Basically: I ...
0demo1's user avatar
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What causes people to over-estimate small proportions and under-estimate large proportions?

I don't think this is a duplicate of What causes systematic under- or over-estimation of general knowledge quantities?, as the accepted (and only) answer doesn't answer this question. YouGovAmerica ...
Ray Butterworth's user avatar
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Recent cognitive science research on ambiguity and learning mathematics?

I am taking a graduate cognitive science course, but cognitive science is not my main area of focus. The methods I primarily use to study mathematics learning/education are within the realm of ...
user31861's user avatar
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Can some people be selectively psycopathic/sociopathic towards a specific race/ethnicity of people?

Psycopaths tend to display remorselessbess while normal people don't. But imagine 18th century USA, where Slaves were considered lower than animals. Or consider, a modern day college group, where ...
Abhay's user avatar
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Does psychological health relate to cognitive ability?

I think every person is in a state between depressed and happy. Sometimes due to life experience swinging from one side to another. My question is, does cognitive ability change based on one's ...
Cantor Dust Drachen's user avatar
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Are there any studies/theories or papers that address a link between novel environments and psychological well-being?

I've been trying to find a reference supporting that new environments without familiar stimuli can cause psychological distress. And prolonged staying in said environment can put a person at risk of ...
Jim stoke's user avatar
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What is dissociation?

When searching the internet for a definitive description of what dissociation is, I get a mixture of results which confuses. Wikipedia states: Dissociation, as a concept that has been developed over ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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Has neuroscience yet proved that antisocial humans think in terms of anything resembling moral circuitry when targeting their victims? [closed]

Popular philosopher Frederich Wilhelm Nietzsche hypothesized and theorized that there are two core languages of moralities, rather than 'morality'. These languages are the master morality, and the ...
Jackson's user avatar
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