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Questions tagged [meditation]

For questions regarding the practice of training the mind via concentration and rituals. These behaviors may be done with or without a religious context.

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Are dissociation and meditation related?

Definitions for dissociation were discussed in this question. Meditation can also involve detachment from the body and thought processes, ignoring of physical stimuli with some traditions having ...
worldsmithhelper's user avatar
1 vote
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Does mindfulness involve negative feedback loops in the brain?

Mindfulness is defined as a type of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you're sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment. Is the neurological ...
Mr X's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Is there a name or any research on white flashing behind the eyes?

I have encountered anecdotal evidence that sometimes when people meditate, as they progress to higher levels, they sometimes experience flashing white light behind the eyes. And I have also ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
1 vote
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What was meditation's part in psychology before third wave therapies?

I'm studying the history of meditation and/or mindfulness in psychology and am falling to find authors and resources speaking about it before its recent raise in popularity in western culture. Was ...
Hugo's user avatar
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Does yoga affect music?

I am currently studying for a bachelor's degree in psychology, as part of the degree, I was asked to conduct a study during which I will examine the interaction effect of yoga and music and their ...
Oran Sherf's user avatar
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Is transcendental meditation pseudoscience?

Is transcendental meditation pseudoscience or it is confirmed by official medical science? Does students learn it at study and does it realy helps to cure depression,panic,fear,anexity,some diseases ? ...
22flower's user avatar
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Does meditation have and effect on Priming?

I’m reading Think Fast And Slow and am learning about the priming effect. Has anyone studied how meditation affects this phenomenon? Are folks who meditate any less likely to respond to being primed?
DBWeinstein's user avatar
6 votes
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Explanation for the "spinal energy" and other "Kundalini awakening" symptoms?

Lots of people have been sharing first-hand reports of their personal experience of the so-called "Kundalini awakening". The following are a few illustrative anecdotes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ...
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2 votes
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Is your fluid intelligence malleable in the positive side?

I was going through this and it struck me that your raw IQ reaches its peak somewhere between 18 and 21. I came across the following article which says meditation could be very helpful to boost your ...
rickkcir's user avatar
1 vote
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Meditation vs auto reflex in body [closed]

I was trig the zen breathing meditation technique similar to this post instructions. so i have seen some auto reflex in my mouth like Swallowing reflex, also before have seen some tedx speech which ...
Soheil Paper's user avatar
0 votes
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Where can I find open data for psychology research on meditation?

I would like to know how I can get free access to data obtained from psychological experiments conducted to study the effects of meditation on the brain. Ex : FMRI data and the like
Sushma C's user avatar
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Can Transcendental meditation be used in lab setting via Digital instructor or do we need a practitioner for TM?

I am starting my thesis, and as I was doing research on types of meditations effect on self compassion. I am new to this research, so I had wanted to know from anyone with experience. Someone, who has ...
Nai chan's user avatar
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what is the difference between mindfulness meditations and focusing on other things?

For example: While I'm studying(or doing anything in my life), my brain wanders around(daydreams, stresses, remembers unpleasant memories and thinks negatively about the future) so I notice that and ...
floyd's user avatar
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how do Transcendental Meditation and mindfulness differ in terms of dealing with individual's anxiety?

I want to know how these two forms of approaches differ in terms of guiding a person's anxiety and helping them heal. there has been no research done using these two forms of meditation together on ...
Nai chan's user avatar
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3 votes
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Can meditation be associated to lucid dream?

The principal reason of this question is that I know people that can willingly enter in lucid dream (and so do what they want in it, and wake up when they want). Some of then use EEG (not ...
JackRed's user avatar
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Relaxing your concepts in meditation

I am using the app Waking up from Sam Harris. A lot of his guided meditations tell you to perceive the world as the raw data of experience, instead of perceiving objects and concepts. To illustrate ...
Borut Flis's user avatar
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Is there a mindfulness meditation technique that tends to produce gamma rhythms in the brain (and not just the alpha frequencies that are typical)?

This is a follow up to a paper (^) that was cited in a response to one of my past questions here. It was found that experienced Buddhist monks generate a substantial increase in gamma waves on demand ...
Wuschelbeutel Kartoffelhuhn's user avatar
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Does mindfulness meditation work for highly inattentive individuals?

Mindfulness practice requires extensive concentration for a prolonged period of time (e.g., attending to breath/body sensation for above 5 minutes). It is reasonable to assume that it might be ...
Sophy's user avatar
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Exact Medical situation name for Guided Meditation/Visualization to "Re-live a moment"

There are lots of videos & audios for Guided Visualization for particular things like forest, beach, sky etc.. But what should I exactly search to get result for "ReLive past Moment". Is there ...
Hardik's user avatar
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Is there any strong empirical support that "casual" (10-20 minutes per day) mindfulness meditation leads to lasting cognitive improvements?

I want to emphasize that I'm not referring to the intense mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), but instead just 10-20 minutes of daily mindfulness meditation (MM), perhaps guided by a ...
Wuschelbeutel Kartoffelhuhn's user avatar
5 votes
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Are there any types of meditation/mindfulness intervention not starting with breathing exercises?

It occurs to me that all meditation/mindfulness practice starts with focusing attention on breathing by either counting breaths or simply feel the sensation of the airflow (Baer, 2003). Eventually, ...
Sophy's user avatar
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Can calmness happen during the fight-flight response?

In the question How do certain individuals, like Quang Duc, develop the ability to remain calm when enduring significant nociceptive pain?, one answer says that it was the high level of cortisol that ...
Ooker's user avatar
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Comprehensive Overview of the Literature regarding Meditation

There have been a lot of studies of meditation, but my understanding is a lot of it is put out by journals that have an invested interest in meditation "working" by whatever metric. Is there an ...
Fluffy Ribbit's user avatar
6 votes
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Best meditation techniques to overcome Behavioral Addictions?

Meditation seems to be one of the top techniques recommended nowadays for self-development (e.g. McGonigal, K. 2011). For people who want to overcome behavioural addictions (i.e. any "addiction that ...
xwb's user avatar
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Does mindful meditation inhibit diffuse thinking (aka default mode network), creativity and make studying less effective?

Barbara Oakley's "Learning how to Learn" and "Mindshift" courses claim that having some break time in which diffuse mode thinking (afaik it's the same as default mode network) is ...
CrabMan's user avatar
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During body-scan ('sweeping') meditation, what does brain-imaging (e.g. fMRI) look like?

I do not know how extensive body scans have been studied with brain-imaging techniques, e.g. fMRI. Body scan is a meditation technique developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn. It was derived from a meditation ...
Hans-Peter Stricker's user avatar
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Which Meditation Techniques Correlate Best with Certain Brain-Waves? [closed]

Which meditation techniques are better at "entraining(?)" specifically desired brainwaves? For each brainwave range, (Alpha, Theta, etc) - are certain meditative technique more effective? For ...
elika kohen's user avatar
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Is praying the Catholic rosary a meditation and does it enhance brain plasticity? says that meditation can shape brains and increase brain plasticity and fit. Can we say that praying the Catholic rosary is a kind of meditation and does this prayer have all the benefits ...
TomR's user avatar
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9 votes
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How to map EEG time-series and visualize meditative states frequencies?

I came across this research article "Case Study of Ecstatic Meditation: fMRI and EEG Evidence of Self-Stimulating a Reward System" about the brainwaves when a Yogi went into a meditative level. I ...
LomX's user avatar
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Binaural Beats Meditation EEG versus Non-aided mediation EEG

Can anybody point me to a recent scientific publication(s) that show the changes in a person's EEG using binaural beat meditation is similar to the EEG changes observed using traditional non-aided ...
Breeze's user avatar
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How do certain individuals, like Quang Duc, develop the ability to remain calm when enduring significant nociceptive pain?

A famous picture depicts Quang Duc self-immolating himself in protest of the Vietnam War. David Halberstram: "As he burned he never moved a muscle, never uttered a sound [...]. His face seemed to ...
Wuschelbeutel Kartoffelhuhn's user avatar
7 votes
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Is mindfulness meditation an effective method to fall asleep?

It's my understanding that brain activity in the prefrontal cortex is suppressed during sleep and that mindfulness stimulates activity in that region. Based on this, it seems counterintuitive to think ...
Wuschelbeutel Kartoffelhuhn's user avatar
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Does any neurological research exist surrounding Buddhist "enlightenment"?

I know there have been many studies on meditation in general, with noticeable changes in the brain. From a skeptic's perspective, I am curious if there are noticeable changes in the brain between "...
Wouter's user avatar
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Any ideas about the neural mechanism underlying the ASMR sensation?

Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) is described as a pleasurable, tingly sensation in the (back of the) head. The sensation can be triggered by a vast variety of stimuli (auditory, visual, ...
ntr's user avatar
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What happens to brain during meditation?

Meditation has many benefits.For example it helps to relax, reduce stress, etc. But how it is working? What exactly happens to our brains during meditation?
Krzysztof Majewski's user avatar
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EEG Alpha waves during eyes open mindfulness training - any research on this subject

I recently conducted an experiment recording EEG during an eyes open mindfulness meditation. I saw a substantial amount of alpha bursts throughout the meditation both in the occipital and frontal ...
Robert Gebka's user avatar
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Does Wim Hof really consciously control his autonomic nervous system?

While there is no question about the validity of Wim Hof's abilities, I question some of the claims made about his ability. He is claimed to be able to consciously control certain aspects of his ...
user1999728's user avatar
5 votes
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Are there psychiatric medications that have an anti-tolerance effect?

Patients usually develop tolerance to their psychiatric medications when used over a long period of time. This is because of how the brain gets used to the dosage in order to reach equilibrium again. ...
jiniyt's user avatar
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When is Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy not useful, or bad?

I'm writing my Bachelor on MBCT, and while there are a ton of studies on the positive effects of mindfulness and MBCT, I'm wondering if there are any cases where MBCT shouldn't be applied. I've found ...
Tryggve Moltzau's user avatar
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Why might mindfulness and meditation lead to anger and anxiety?

Background: I have been trying mindfulness/meditation but I don't understand how to do it. For example, I tried sitting thinking and focusing on my breath, but thoughts kept intruding, so I just ...
Anon's user avatar
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19 votes
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Thinking, Fast and Slow vs. Mindfulness vs. Flow

I've been wondering how dual-process theory, which is described in Daniel Kahneman's book "Thinking, Fast and Slow", relates to mindfulness and the state of being in the present moment and the flow ...
ThamP's user avatar
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Are there any theories suggesting mindfulness is the opposite mental state to self-regulation?

Meditation practice focuses on emotional acceptance (Teper & Inzlicht, 2013), and self-regulation is related to emotional control (Braumeister, 2003). Could someone provide me with pointers to ...
Sophy's user avatar
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Does meditation improve working memory more than exercise?

I have noticed that I feel much more mentally sharp after doing an hour of moderate exercise in the morning. On the contrary, when I meditate, I feel no such difference in my mental alertness. Isn't ...
guesoijer's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Difference between meditating and watching a movie [closed]

If I meditate, I concentrate on my breathing; if my mind wanders, I bring its attention back to my breathing. If I watch a movie/show, I concentrate on it; if my mind wanders, I bring its attention ...
Manuel's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Study Effectively [closed]

I have 1day for the exam and there is much to study and Is there anyway to study Effectively.. This is not just for tommorrow this is for the entire life.. I'm feeling little low. Is there any ...
TanJay's user avatar
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Who are the main authors who studied meditation with scientific methods?

I wold like to know who are the main authors (and texts) which studied meditation using a scientific method and reported their results in a text that I can use for reference when I'm talking about ...
G M's user avatar
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Is Brain Sync music effective in increasing cognitive functioning? [duplicate]

From the website: BRAIN SYNC meditation CDs and guided imagery techniques are proven to significantly improve mental performance. In two decades, nearly 3 million Brain Sync users have ...
ivancogsci's user avatar
14 votes
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What are the negative effects of meditation?

I see lots of articles touting the benefits of meditation. But what are the bad things about it? Maybe if a person has to make quick decisions, meditation would not be a good thing? This could be ...
goog's user avatar
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Implementation Intentions and Mental Contrasting vs Meditation

Everyday I see so many studies on meditation. These include all types (mindfulness, TM, etc..). The studies only report positive results. Meditation has been purported to increase self-control and ...
NebulousReveal's user avatar
11 votes
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What is the difference between hypnosis and meditation?

It seems that many people say that hypnosis and meditation are very similar. But what are their key differences (both in a soft and hard way)?
proton's user avatar
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