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Is there a technical term for acting as though you have a belief that you do not genuinely hold?

Is there a technical term in psychology for people acting like they believe something they do not? As an example, consider people who acted like they didn't believe Obama was born in the US. I know ...
Anna Sylvester's user avatar
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What is this behavior called? [duplicate]

I have a question about what to call a term of behavior. I've seen the movie called Dune Part 2, and saw many examples of similar behaviors I have experienced in my life. In the movie, these people ...
Lukius's user avatar
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Mistake patterns while learning

About a decade ago, I used to teach programming language in a company specialized in forming new developers. It was common for students to really struggle with very simple coding tasks due to really ...
Amorim's user avatar
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Recurring traits of the neurotypical mind

Classically, medicine has pathologized the autism spectrum, and labelled everyone who isn't on the spectrum (and other similar conditions) as 'neurotypical'. My question is - if we can group and ...
Cdn_Dev's user avatar
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6 votes
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Why is "bad" perceived as "cool"?

The existence of the phenomenon that "bad" is considered "cool" is attested by a simple search on the Internet (here, here, and here). It can be also attested by the success of ...
Starckman's user avatar
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Difference in attitude towards behavior - Accept vs. change

I have quite a low threshold for doing mundane tasks, which sometimes taxes my patience a lot. It's been like this since childhood, but varies from day to day and is generally not a serious issue, but ...
ciscoheat's user avatar
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ABC Model of Behaviour: What is an antecedent?

In the context of the three-term contigency what is meant by an antecedent and are there two types of antecendent - stimulus delta and stimulus discriminative? Why is it called the three-term ...
charl2.718's user avatar
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Reference tools to measure propensity to cooperate and to forgive?

QUESTION: Where can I find reference tools (e.g. questionnaires) to measure the psychological propensity to adopt some behaviors, such as cooperation, cheating and forgiveness? BACKGROUND: The 2017 &...
J..y B..y's user avatar
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Are there any theories which explain why people prefer popular vs. niche content?

So I'm analyzing social media data, and I've found that some people almost exclusively consume mostly the same few categories of content, whereas others consume a more diverse array of categories. It ...
salamander's user avatar
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How can behaviour be heritable? [duplicate]

As humans, we are rather proud of our ability to develop and learn new behaviours, seeing this as superior to the inheritance of behaviours that increasingly dominates the repertoires of animals with ...
Daniel Boyd's user avatar
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Why do we have romatic feelings?

People who are asexual feel little to no sexual attraction towards others, but they can have romantic relationships. From how sexual and romantic feelings are different, it has made me start to wonder ...
Crafter's user avatar
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What is this condition where you imagine a string retracing your path in space and that you feel compelled to untangle?

There is a special condition of some people where they imagine a thread that retraces the path where they have been before and feel compelled to not entangle it. They feel compelled to leave a place ...
Florian F's user avatar
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punishment vs. negative reinforcement

I'm having trouble understanding negative reinforcement because from different POVs, it just seems like punishment My teacher gave the example of the seatbelt alarm in the car that sounds off when you ...
NFeruch - FreePalestine's user avatar
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Can one be "addicted to learning"? [closed]

According to Merriam-Webster's dictionary, an addiction is a compulsive, chronic, physiological or psychological need for a habit-forming substance, behavior, or activity having harmful physical, ...
Marcus's user avatar
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4 votes
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What are the reasons for human curiosity?

Accordingly to Maslow's pyramid, a good answer, in my opinion, in order to justify our behavior of "exploration/curiosity", could be in terms of the "physiological needs" step. But,...
M.N.Raia's user avatar
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How are genetic behaviors expressed?

There are some behaviors that are clearly genetic and not learned, such as insect dance patterns. How are such behaviors expressed in the organism? Do the genes specifically code for some neural ...
Gimme the 411's user avatar
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Randomized pair assignment for testing

Scenario Take a group of students. During the school/academic year, they will be assigned several tests (ideally one less than the number of students). Usually, students are tested and graded ...
user2530062's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Question regarding inferiority complex

"The more one has feelings of inferiority, the more one has a power attitude, and the more one has a power attitude, the more one has feelings of inferiority" This above paragraph was said ...
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Why does smiling indicate happiness? Why couldn’t frowning indicate happiness and smiling indicate sadness?

Is there an evolutionary reason behind this? What about raising eyebrows when surprised, or lowering them when angry?
Jeremy Schmidt's user avatar
5 votes
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Understanding the difference between stress and anxiety with goal directed behaviour

I'm currently writing a paper and one of the points is about cognitive performance being impeded on in general anxiety disorder patients. The issue I have is that I found a great paper: The stressed ...
Jim stoke's user avatar
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What are the real motives of people helping to each other?

I'm wondering sometimes why people want to help someone. What are the real motives of it? The Karpman drama triangle says that 3 types of people exist and one of these types is rescuer and as I ...
Andrey Radkevich's user avatar
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Why does a person not change their employment when they have the urge to do so?

This is a question I have been fighting for a long time. I thought it was an individual issue, but I've recently noticed, that it's common for a lot of people I know. A person feels the need or urge ...
MishaP's user avatar
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Is depression linked to having difficulty into doing activities that are intensive (be it physically or mentally)?

Practicing exercise is recommended to treat depression for example. But I think people, in general, if they are with depression tend to deal with it by doing activities that don't suppose much effort ...
user2638180's user avatar
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Why do we "Freeze" in an Adrenaline Rush?

I heard that Adrenaline stimulates the "Fight-Flight-Freeze" reaction. This is because our brains still think that we are in the wild and there are lions that want to eat us. But why is ...
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What is the meanning of an x-expressing neuron, with x = some protein?

I'm studying a neuroscientific paper, and in it the authors state that "defensive behaviors are mediated by a BLA population of magnocellular R-spondin 2-expressing (RSPO2⁺) neurons". I know ...
lafinur's user avatar
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Where to begin with Political Psychology literature?

I am a law and public policy scholar, and I'm currently developing a civics curriculum for YouTube. As a phd, I'm (perhaps to an unhealthy degree) concerned with being able to cite good science ...
William Walker III's user avatar
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Effect of deniable encryption on willigness to give up secrets under torture

Suppose a person is tortured and can choose to give up secrets or not. What effect would a situation have in which the person cannot prove that they gave up all their secrets? Would a person give up ...
Cookie04's user avatar
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Do clothes influence behavior

I was just curious that does clothes influence behavior? I feel that if I wear sports wear I feel more joyful and energetic. Have any studies been done on it?
Kashmiri's user avatar
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is it possible that "the first given food determines the behavior of a child/person"?

In Pakistan, there is a custom that when a child is born we give him a tiny amount of food (something sweet e.g Honey, Dates, Brown Sugar). It is considered that whoever gives the first food to the ...
Adnan Ali's user avatar
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2 answers

Any ways to guesstimate IQ?

Is there any way to roughly approximate someone’s IQ simply based off of observing their behavior, mannerisms, speech, social interactions, etc? In other words, are their certain patterns of behavior ...
Joa's user avatar
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Does anonymity decrease risk aversion?

I was wondering if anonymity decreases risk-aversion? And if there are studies made in this subject already from which this could be further researched. For example. If we imagine a public casino ...
elioth's user avatar
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What can be learned from a persistent typing or writing error that happens frequently?

There is a specific typing or writing error that I make frequently, and would like to know more about. Often when I'm typing or handwriting, I end one word with the ending of the next one, even when ...
Gabriel Moretti's user avatar
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littering more often in dirty places?

I'm now doing some city management related research and wondering about the idea of high crime areas. Well, the above phrase is a bit extreme. Say, littering, will this kind of behavior occur more ...
Maul Seil's user avatar
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Is there a relationship between viewing and committing war crimes

Recently, I’ve been curious if there’s any relationship between someone committing war crimes and previously viewing them. For example, the War in Afghanistan is considered asymmetrical warfare, where ...
Shaun Cockram's user avatar
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Psychological explanation for uncontrollable laughter and apparent symptoms of drunkenness in charismatic Christian congregations?

Holy laughter and spiritual drunkenness are two very correlated experiences that have been reported many times in charismatic Christian congregations. Quoting Wikipedia: Holy laughter is a term used ...
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Is the inability for people to accept they may be wrong on a topic (and the rationales for that) something that psychology ever discusses in depth? [duplicate]

Pride, shame, hubris and ego being factors in whether a person is able to consider they may be wrong on a statement, claim or stance on a topic. Not only consider wrongness, but accept or note their ...
paul_h's user avatar
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Combining Discrete Choice Experiments with Theory of Planned Behavior

Topic background: How beliefs and personal values of a farmer influence his/her willingness to consider/adopt environmentally friendly innovations on-farm. I want to assess if relative preferences for ...
baconandphil's user avatar
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Role play in laboratory experiments - literature hints?

I want to conduct a laboratory experiment with a cohort of students to assess the determinants of their willingness to adopt an environmentally friendly technology in farming. I want them to imagine ...
baconandphil's user avatar
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Word for behavior change when a superior is around?

People (especially in groups) act differently when they are aware that a superior is present. I am looking for a term that describes this phenomenon. Similar but not quite what I mean: The Hawthorne ...
Kaligule's user avatar
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Psychological explanation for the situations (in TV, movies, video games, etc.) in which a heated argument turns into a make out session

I have seen this kind of situation a lot on movies, video games, comics and other media. Basically Alice and Bob are having a very serious, heated and hostile argument, involving a lot of shouting and ...
MattCat15's user avatar
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Do toddlers have to learn what they feel?

In Thomas Metzinger's book Being No One, he claimed at the start of section 6.3.3 Have you ever seen a child, who has just learned to walk, run toward a set of two or three stairs much too fast and ...
MaudPieTheRocktorate's user avatar
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What is the cause for the Japanese people’s exemplary civility? [closed]

Japanese people should certainly be commended for their exemplary displays of civility, I’m sure this doesn’t require debating (this scholarly source including examples like respecting subway stair ...
MatTheLemur's user avatar
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In the behaviorism it is argued that we learn behavior, but (how) does this influence our way of thinking?

I'm currently learning psychological approaches and social psychology, and this question popped into my head. The book on the approaches is: Glassman, W., Hadad, M. (20130116). Approaches to ...
Michael B.'s user avatar
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How much does money (or any desired good) influence a person on average?

I'd like to know if there's any study about that, I'm specially interested if it determines how much it influences a certain person behavior in a certain given percentage and the quantities from where ...
user2638180's user avatar
2 votes
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Does everyone make big mistakes? [closed]

It is sometimes said that we all make big mistakes. Is this true? As a starting point, 'big mistake' could be defined as a mistake which we do unconsciously for months, and for which the implications ...
qsaso's user avatar
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Why there are four types of temperament?

There are several approaches to categorize personality characteristics into similar amount of types: the four temperament theory, DISC theory, the PAEI model. Is there any research about possible ...
Greg Oven's user avatar
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Do bodily manifestations (e.g. jerking) and intense euphoric sensations (e.g. "heat", "electricity") always co-occur in spiritual experiences?

After analyzing multiple reports of spiritual experiences, I've identified two general categories: Bodily manifestations: shaking, jerking, trembling, contorting, etc. (see this related question for ...
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What sort of therapy could help a person become more extraverted?

Is there any therapy that is considered effective for changing a person's personality from introversion toward extraversion in the absence of any specific diagnosable disorder? I am able to find many ...
Robert Columbia's user avatar
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Why do some individuals enjoy watching scary videos?

Does watching scary videos affect mental health? Are some individuals more/less prone to feeling scared than others?
Abdul Kalam's user avatar
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Looking for references discussing aspect of human/animal adaptivity and its pertaining computational objectives

Does anyone know some references (e.g. papers or book chapters) that discuss aspects of the adaptivity of human/animal based on studying the behavior and ideally, what computational objectives ...
neuroprinciplist's user avatar