What is the motivation model behind StackExchange?
The short answer is that anyone who gives you a short answer should be treated with suspicion. ;-p
The StackExchange was founded in 2008, and has seen a lot of changes since that time. That has ...
What is the motivation model behind StackExchange?
Short answer
The Stack Exchange model is based on gamification. Gamified environments typically deploy incremental rewards that tap into the brain's reward system, making these applications addictive, ...
Does the Rubik's Cube increase mental ability?
Don't know of any research on the Rubik's Cube specifically. I did find this (https://arxiv.org/abs/1505.00750) but it looks like it was a presentation given by a mathematician at a mathematics ...
What is the motivation model behind StackExchange?
This should be a comment, not an answer. But because of the formatting I put it here.
My speculation: gamification/social acceptance + altruism + curiosity + flow.
Gamification/social acceptance: ...
Does the Rubik's Cube increase mental ability?
See this new work by Valerie et al found some benefits:
Quoting from the paper:
Middle school students participated in four sessions of Rubik’s Cube
training ...
Effects of Game-based Learning on Motivation for Learning
I think it depends.
If the game is good, the player will be motivated to learn what they need to succeed in the game. The long term effects may vary depending on different attributes, which I divided ...
How do cooperative vs. competitive activities impact the learning patterns of an individual?
In this question are mixed different topics that are not very well categorized, to find documents or specific tests is better to adapt certain topics, is not usually talk of cooperative versus ...
Have ideas of "gamification" been applied to education?
There are a lot of courses and literature about gamification in learning by Karl Kapp. http://karlkapp.com/articles/. Most of them are not scientific articles, but there are also books, courses and ...
Have ideas of "gamification" been applied to education?
Punished By Rewards by Alfie Kohn puts it in a behaviorist perspective, and extensively criticizes gamification inspired by operant conditioning. (here is a scientific article, a counter-argument to ...
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