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What criteria decides whether a technique is CBT?

What is CBT? As I stated in my answer to a previous question on CBT, The basic concept of CBT Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) was developed by Aaron Temkin Beck, and as mentioned before, ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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Resources about relaxation training as used in CBT

As I mentioned previously in the comments, there are a wide range of relaxation techniques which can be used within CBT. Having not read the book mentioned, I looked it up and found how the ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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Is Trauma‐Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy applicable to adults?

While there are major issues surrounding CBT in general, and the clinical studies (see my answer to Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Limitations), the UK charity Mind, points out (Mind, n.d.) that: The ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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Why are we generating wrong ideas in the first place?

I suspect we adopt irrational positions when we have an implicit choice available and our frame of mind, owing to biological factors such as stress hormone levels, favors rapid choices over thoughtful ...
Bryce Ragatz's user avatar
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Why is labeling a cognitive distortion? How is it different from categorization?

Scientific labeling: If you study arthropods long enough, you will find that many of them have two pairs of antennae. We call these creatures crustaceans. Cognitively distorted labeling: If you ...
Robert Columbia's user avatar
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Why is labeling a cognitive distortion? How is it different from categorization?

As Bryan Krause suggested (above), talking with your psychotherapist is likely the most important next step for you to take. Also, please note that what I write below is simply general information ...
Mark D Worthen PsyD's user avatar
1 vote

Which area of psychology studies false beliefs?

These are typically called cognitive distortions and are a mainstay of CBT, but are equally likely to be addressed by any cognitive psychotherapist. This is usually done by building skills to ...
Arnon Weinberg's user avatar
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Dialectical Behavior Therapy's Biosocial Theory - Social Environment Validates Patients' Maladaptive Behavior - As Defined By Who/What?

Just as a point of note, you said you are quoting from Wikipedia, but it is actually WikiWand you are linking to. The article cited Little, et al. (2018) which states that (emphasis mine): DBT is ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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Can one claim that a person is having cognitive distortion and be always correct?

The use of assumptions in clinical settings seems to play into the errors you mention. Cueball is just as prone to distortions as Megan. According to Dawes, Faust, & Meehl (1989), a professional ...
Psychm's user avatar
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Why are we generating wrong ideas in the first place?

Here are some reasons I collected that can explain why we have wrong ideas: Naïve realism Egocentrism Illusion of transparency Self-conscious emotions
Ooker's user avatar
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What does it mean to "accept my shortcomings"?

I suppose the word "accept" you hear comes from the acceptance and commitment therapy, or ACT. According to the link, the healthy attitudes towards the problem (e.g. obesity) are: Accept your ...
Ooker's user avatar
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CBT approach and why we generate unrealistic thoughts

Another way to phrase these questions would be: Why do humans feel fear and anxiety? Why are humans particularly sensitive to potential losses See: In the ...
Cameron Brick's user avatar
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What are the main differences between gestalt therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy?

In a very elementary and basic way Cognitive Behavioral Therapy focuses on mental schemas and behavior modification techniques. https://en.wikipedia....
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