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Equating between short form and long form of the same instrument

I have encountered several instruments in psychology and related fields where we have multiple versions of the same instrument, specifically a short form and a long form. For instance, the patient ...
Eric Boorman's user avatar
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Best practice for comparing data between completers and non-completers?

I conducted a study which collected data on a brief one-time intervention at 3 timepoints (pre, post, and one-week follow-up). There were some participants who dropped out between these 3 timepoints. ...
catll0's user avatar
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Preregistration questions sample/outliers

HI I'm extremely new to research and my professor asked me to complete a preregistration for a project he wants to co author. However, I am stuck because the preregistration he asked me to complete ...
user33578's user avatar
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Using Exploratory Factor Analysis for Items That Belong to Different Scales

I have a quick question about factor analysis from different scales. Is it advisable to use, conjunctly, items from various measures? For example, say that I want to evaluate factors that most ...
JerBear's user avatar
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How to determine the sample size for a Confirmatory Factor Analysis CFA

I'm in the process of developing a scale. Overall, my question is how do I determine how many participants to include in my sample for the first Confirmatory Factor Analysis procedure? More ...
stephan_phd's user avatar
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Do different ethnic groups have the same standard deviation of the IQ distribution?

There is a lot of research suggesting that different ethnic groups either within US or worldwide if all plotted together would have distributions of IQ with different averages. The reasons for that ...
chugeth's user avatar
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Method and sample size to test validity and reliability of a scale/ survey

I am working on a project where I need to use a scale to measure certain psychological and political positions. I have a questionnaire that is used in the US, and whose validity was tested there quite ...
Ishan Kashyap Hazarika's user avatar
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Is Cronbach's alpha used outside of psychology?

Tau-equivalent reliability ($\rho$$T$), also known as Cronbach's alpha is a widely used measure of reliability in psychological testing. I've not encountered Cronbach's alpha in other sectors. Does ...
Tony Mobbs's user avatar
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Calculating Significantly Above Chance for 3-AFC Test

I am trying to figure out which participants who took a 18-item multiple choice test scored significantly above chance. Each item has 3 choices, so the probability of getting each question correct is ...
bernice.anders's user avatar
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Correlation used as explanatory device in ''The neuroscience of Intelligence'

I am currently reading Dr. Richard Haier's book The Neuroscience of Intelligence. I have a base knowledge of statistics, but I am confused about the following extract from page 80 (chapter 2.4): ...
toljoas's user avatar
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What is the notation about group differences in terms standard deviations?

I am just getting into watching psych lectures and things online and am taking notes but I have been wondering what the proper/standard way of writing in note form about standard deviations is. For ...
lehtia's user avatar
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What is the distinction between "relationship" and "difference" in behavioural statistics?

Quoting [emphasis added] from D.C. Howell's (2012) Statistical Methods for Psychology, chapter 9 (Correlation and Regression), Pg 252: Although you should not make too much of the distinction ...
EMMs2008's user avatar
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Bounds on skew and kurtosis of IQ

The question of whether IQ is Normally distributed, or instead follows e.g. a Pearson type IV distribution, has been debated since at least the 1910s. The quotient- and deviation-based definitions ...
J.G.'s user avatar
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What does it mean statistically for there to be significant differences in average IQ scores between racial groups?

Charles Murray (in his book, "The Bell Curve") reported that there are real differences between the mean IQ scores of different racial groups. He also points out that IQ variation within said groups ...
froimovi's user avatar
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What is restriction of range correction formula when you don't know standard deviation of unrestricted group?

What is the restriction of range formula if you don't know the standard deviation of the unrestricted group is? For instance, you run a selection process, 1st stage is a cognitive ability test and ...
basement jaxx's user avatar
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Multiple-stratum intelligence models

My question concerns the mathematics of multiple-stratum models, about which I've not found much that's quantitative, so excuse my inventing my own notation to explain my thoughts. In models such as ...
J.G.'s user avatar
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Examples of interventions that yield large long term effect sizes in psychology

I was listening to a podcast entitled Very Bad Wizards, hosted by two university academics. One of the hosts, namely David Pizarro who is a psychologist at Cornell made the claim that most ...
Jonesn11's user avatar
5 votes
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Are there any tests for one's belief or philosophy?

I know of the varying types of personality tests and I find them interesting (specifically HEXACO due to it having multiple facets to expand its 6 main factors and I believe it is open-source or free ...
prijatelj's user avatar
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What is the difference between facets and factors?

I am wondering whether there is a difference between factors and facets. Concretely, I am doing a research about transformational leadership. My questionnaire has 8 factors which is based on a ...
Adam Táborský's user avatar
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How can Bayesian inference improve upon logistic regression in incorporating psychometric data?

In order to estimate probability of default, banks and other financial institutions have often used logistic regression based on data involving credit history. Suppose an entrepreneur or borrower ...
BCLC's user avatar
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Correlation between BIS and BAS responses

As a part of my lab experiment, participants had to answer questions for BIS and BAS (BAS reward, drive and fun) scales. The correlation matrix shows that BIS is significantly positively correlated ...
Question's user avatar
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How to measure precision in classical test theory framework?

What methods or approaches exist or might be developed to measure precision of measurement in a classical test theory framework? Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (American ...
Joel W's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

What tools are available for EEG analysis on the R platform?

I'm starting some EEG studies on attention, and would really like to use R for preprocessing (filtering/artifact rejection), visualization, and analysis, but I can find very little in the way of tools....
Krysta's user avatar
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What paper discussed the cognitive properties of Likert/visual analogue scales in ratings?

I seem to recall a recent paper investigating whether ratings created using Likert or Visual Analogue Scales formats had the cognitive properties of interval or ratio data (since they are generally ...
Krysta's user avatar
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When is it defendable to use manifest instead of latent variables in psychological research?

In psychology, most of the concepts, theories, ideas etc. of interest refer to latent variables, where a latent variable is one that can't be observed directly. Instead, one has to find a manifest ...
Jens Kouros's user avatar
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Do we need a pre-test to compare the effectiveness of two treatments?

Assume, I want to evaluate how effective two teachers are in teaching English to German children. Both teachers have been teaching at the same high school for twenty years, and both use a distinctly ...
user avatar
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Are cortisol measures more reliable than self-reported fear measures for looking at difference scores?

I was sent an email by a researcher with the following question: You wrote that difference scores are okay to use if measurement error is minimised. Does that imply that biological data ...
Jeromy Anglim's user avatar
9 votes
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Best practice to handle double negatives when using the expectancy-value model?

My question is regarding the multiplicative combination rule in the Expectancy-value model developed by Fishbein and Ajzen, and the issues regarding the expectancy value-muddle, or the case of "double ...
socialli's user avatar
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Are there any standard psychometric scales that are only applicable to within-subject designs?

A while ago, I asked the question whether Presence questionnaires are valid in between-subject designs (see the question for the background to this assumption). While the question garnered some ...
ThomasH's user avatar
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