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5 votes

How do young children (toddlers) experience social pressure, such as apparent "embarrassment"?

Yes, toddlers do already feel embarrassment, and it appears that this feeling starts during the second year of life, following the development of self-awareness. In the past, it has for instance been ...
bobi's user avatar
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3 votes

Does there exist a theatre effect?

This is related to, but not exactly, the concept of the tragedy of the commons. The eponymous scenario deals with a village's common land, where farmers can bring their cows to graze for free. Every ...
Nuclear Hoagie's user avatar
3 votes

Name for the effect where people cause others to fulfill their expectations

I believe what you might be referring to is the Pygmalion effect, an effect in social psychology where high expectations lead to improved performance in a given area: a sort of self-fulfilling ...
David Cian's user avatar
3 votes

Term for how one's self-image improves when something they associate with, like a sports team or politician, does well?

This is called BIRGing - Basking in reflected glory: Basking in reflected glory (BIRGing) is a self-serving cognition whereby an individual associates themselves with known successful others such ...
Arnon Weinberg's user avatar
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2 votes

Term for how one's self-image improves when something they associate with, like a sports team or politician, does well?

I would describe this as a vicarious, or, more specifically, an empathic emotional response. Vicarious emotions are when an individual’s emotional state is determined by the emotional state of another ...
Rider's user avatar
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2 votes

math problems which become easy when given to social processing part of brain

AFAIK recent computational neuroscience research shows that there are no specialized brain areas, but rather activity levels coupling certain brain areas, while these couplings have not yet been ...
CuriousIndeed's user avatar
2 votes

Perceive person's importance to the education

I think this issue touches on a number of aspects like self-worth, self-image and self-concept among others. Undoubtedly people can place a distorted or disproportionate value on self and others based ...
bad_coder's user avatar
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How can a narcissist be given negative feedback without triggering aggressive behavior?

To want to have a normal relationship with another person is commendable. Unfortunately, they can't. Their inability to receive feedback is a part of their diagnosis. Attempts to do so will also cause ...
Regional Director's user avatar
2 votes

'Always Give a Reason Why' - How to describe this subject area?

Summary: Don't just give any reason. a certain type of "grating" reason (as explained in 2nd half of my post) has been shown to backfire and be worse than none. A syntactically correct but ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar

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