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Reducing self-selection bias by controlling for motivation to fill in the survey

The self-selection bias refers to the overrepresentation of people willing to participate in research among studies' participants. The bias could be particularly relevant in surveys relevant to ...
Probably's user avatar
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Psychometric scales of gender

I have never read any study that has used a psychometric scale to find out the respondent's gender identity, sexual orientation or both. This makes me wonder if there are such scales or not, or if ...
Ishan Kashyap Hazarika's user avatar
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Non-binary scores for backward digit span (BDS)

A common test of memory span is to display or utter a sequence of numbers and then request that a candidate being assessed repeat that sequence of numbers in reverse order. Typically, the candidate's ...
Rodrigo de Azevedo's user avatar
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Whole brain death diagnosis and false positive

In view of the increasing need for organ transplants( possibly because of the greater ability of the surgeons and physicians to both execute the transplant, prevent a rejection, and/or diagnose the ...
George Ntoulos's user avatar
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What time range between 2 measures for test-retest reliability?

How much time between 2 measurements is needed (at least / at most) to be called test-retest reliability? Concrete casus: I am planning a meta-analysis on reliability of various loneliness scales. We ...
N_G's user avatar
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Paper discussing economic rationale of IQ-based hiring practices

TL;DR I'm looking for a paper that explicitly quantifies the ROI an employer would likely derive if personnel selection involved intelligence testing and only those +2 SD in cognitive ability were ...
faustus's user avatar
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Participant compensation and engagement in online studies

In research studies, it is common to compensate the participant for their time/effort by giving them monetary compensation. Is there any research on whether the amount someone is paid for ...
Rose Hendricks's user avatar
3 votes
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Canonical Literature for "Big 5" Personality Theory

I'm searching for a good reference on "Big 5" personality theory that explains the topic in detail beyond the level of a website. I am hoping to get a pointer to some of the "canonical" literature--i....
JMJ's user avatar
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Correlation between "mechanical aptitude" and IQ

I am an economist working in labour market issues. It is common in my field to divide jobs between those who are intensive in "manual" tasks and those who are intensive in "cognitive" tasks (e.g. here)...
luchonacho's user avatar
5 votes
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Are there any tests for one's belief or philosophy?

I know of the varying types of personality tests and I find them interesting (specifically HEXACO due to it having multiple facets to expand its 6 main factors and I believe it is open-source or free ...
prijatelj's user avatar
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6 votes
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Can anyone provide a modern source for the average college student IQ of 115?

I've read in various places that the average college student IQ is about 115, and the various estimations of IQ by college major reached by converting SAT to IQ all use 115 as the starting point for ...
noeps's user avatar
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How can psychometric or behavioural tests be used in banking to evaluate creditworthiness?

Suppose an entrepreneur or borrower with little credit or business history goes to a bank or some financial institution to borrow money. Banks can use, as an alternative to a credit or business ...
BCLC's user avatar
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does getting top marks and ranks in school or college make one intelligent?

Please do not discuses about IQ tests that have problems like: 2,4,8,16,... what is the next number? having the answer as 32, because one can relate any number of random numbers mathematically! ...
Sreram's user avatar
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What paper discussed the cognitive properties of Likert/visual analogue scales in ratings?

I seem to recall a recent paper investigating whether ratings created using Likert or Visual Analogue Scales formats had the cognitive properties of interval or ratio data (since they are generally ...
Krysta's user avatar
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Relationship between cognitive load and self-indulgent behavior in simple task completion

Background A subject in an office-building setting is asked to memorize a list of numbers and to write them down on a whiteboard in another room on the opposite side of the building. The subject ...
dreftymac's user avatar
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Psychometric information on IPIP representation of NEO facets

The IPIP (International Personality Item Pool) website provides a copy of the IPIP representation of the NEO 30 facet form. It also provides some information comparing IPIP NEO with official NEO. ...
Jeromy Anglim's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

Longitudinal mobile mood tracking app with random reminders

The goal is to take simple measurements of mood using Likert scale over an extended period of time (e.g. two months). I know there is a large number of mobile apps for tracking mood on every ...
Geek On Acid's user avatar
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How to measure student activity, participation, tendency to ask questions, etc?

We would like to compare students from different education systems on the following variables: tendency to actively participate on lessons tendency to ask questions tendency and experience in ...
Oriesok Vlassky's user avatar
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Method for evaluating how emotionally evocative a question is?

I would like to measure the change in emotional state in response to a question. For example, asking the question, "What is your favorite color?" would be fairly benign; I would not expect any change ...
Jim's user avatar
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How to efficiently locate existing psychology and social science measures?

Whenever I start a new research project, I typically have to find questions and scales that have proven validity in measuring constructs of interest (e.g., psychological / political science / social ...
Indolering's user avatar
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Summary of meta-analytic correlations between self- and other-report measures

It is well known that the correlation between personality measures obtained from self-ratings and ratings by others are imperfect. There are many different traits that could be rated (e.g., well-being,...
Jeromy Anglim's user avatar