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Reducing self-selection bias by controlling for motivation to fill in the survey

The self-selection bias refers to the overrepresentation of people willing to participate in research among studies' participants. The bias could be particularly relevant in surveys relevant to ...
Probably's user avatar
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Non-binary scores for backward digit span (BDS)

A common test of memory span is to display or utter a sequence of numbers and then request that a candidate being assessed repeat that sequence of numbers in reverse order. Typically, the candidate's ...
Rodrigo de Azevedo's user avatar
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Participant compensation and engagement in online studies

In research studies, it is common to compensate the participant for their time/effort by giving them monetary compensation. Is there any research on whether the amount someone is paid for ...
Rose Hendricks's user avatar
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Whole brain death diagnosis and false positive

In view of the increasing need for organ transplants( possibly because of the greater ability of the surgeons and physicians to both execute the transplant, prevent a rejection, and/or diagnose the ...
George Ntoulos's user avatar