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Isn't fluid intelligence necessarily influenced by crystallized intelligence?

In this article, it is said: Conversely, Gf [general fluid intelligence] represents the ability to employ a type of mental operation to independently reason and solve novel problems; it does not ...
A. Kvåle's user avatar
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2 answers

Why don't the Big 5 personality traits have more neutral names?

Lots of different areas of study appropriate common-language terms as jargon words with a specific meaning in the context of that particular field, but the names of the Big 5 personality traits have ...
Wes Sayeed's user avatar
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The origin of the term "construct" in the cognitive sciences

So, I was just wondering - who can be attributed as originating the idea of a "construct" in psychology? Does the general concept of an epistemic "construct" feed directly into the way the term is ...
user18679's user avatar
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How to prevent falling for Jingle-Jangle fallacies?

What are some ways to avoid the Jingle-Jangle fallacies when it comes to choosing a form of measurement in psychology research?
betaegg's user avatar
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What is the difference between facets and factors?

I am wondering whether there is a difference between factors and facets. Concretely, I am doing a research about transformational leadership. My questionnaire has 8 factors which is based on a ...
Adam Táborský's user avatar
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Does work exist on relative valuations versus numeric valuations?

I've been trying to use Google Scholar to find something on this issue, but I fear I may not have found anything due to using incorrect terms. I am looking for any work which looks at rating systems ...
Ilitiwu's user avatar
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Is there a term for a measure in which an extremely high or low score is considered bad?

I'm writing up the results of a measure of emotional management, and I'm hypothesising that under- or over-management of emotions leads to negative consequences. I'm looking for a term which ...
McKenzie's user avatar
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What is the relation between measures, constructs and concepts?

It is uncontroversial to say that the cognitive sciences do not exclusively deal with directly observable phenomena, but nonetheless aim to study the physical causes of behavior and cognition ...
Christian Hummeluhr's user avatar
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What is bispectrum?

I am working on a project that uses EEG signals of the brain to identify emotional states. While surveying the literature, I came across several references where "derived features of bispectrum" are ...
Nitin Kumar's user avatar
9 votes
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What are “Stimulus locked” and “Response locked” in Philiastides & Sajda (2006)

While going through the below-mentioned paper, I came across some plots which were said to be "locked" with reference to either response or stimulus. Does the locking refer to the initiation of the ...
O_huck's user avatar
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11 votes
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Do the motivations and fears behind Enneagram have any scientific reasoning?

Background The Enneagram personality typing system defines set of motivations and basic fears for its nine personality types among people. The system seems to be aimed at personal development of a ...
Bharadwaj Srigiriraju's user avatar
7 votes
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What is the difference between IQ and Executive Function?

I was reading an article today that stated that people with high IQ's that have trouble with social skills, memory, being punctual (on time), emotional control, and "growing up" are likely to have ...
leeand00's user avatar
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29 votes
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What is an effective metric of complexity for an Artificial Neural Network?

After asking the question What is the most complex neural network... I realized I don't really have a good metric of "complexity" in a general sense. The simplest measure would likely be count of ...
Zelda's user avatar
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