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Questions tagged [cognitive-dissonance]

The creation of rationale to alleviate psychological discomfort caused by the evidence presented by facts that contradict beliefs and ideas that the individual is reluctant to reevaluate.

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Cognitive Dissonance and Punishment: Discovery vs. Stipulated Scenario

According to the Aronson & Carlsmith study, 1963: children facing a mild punishment for playing with the toy bridge the dissonance gap by derogating it their attitude persists after punishment ...
Erwann's user avatar
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Is there a term/name for the feeling you get when trying to pat your head and rub your tummy?

I often hear the phrase "It's like patting your head and rubbing your tummy/belly" when referring to trying to perform two seemingly simple actions that inexplicably conflict with each other,...
Paul's user avatar
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What are common ideas to resolve a cognitive dissonance in which the belief is realistic but causes problems for "coping with the world"? [closed]

If we assume that there is no extrinsic meaning in life (objectively speaking), it follows that one needs to have intrinsic values to make one's life meaningful. However, an objective observation of ...
user8837440's user avatar
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Is there a named psychological condition for people who find every bad thing to be someone's "fault?" [closed]

Suppose person X is looking for something he has lost. Instead of thinking he left it somewhere, he is convinced that person Y has taken it. X is so convinced of this that he will not even look for ...
Zenon's user avatar
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What is the connection between cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias?

Intuitively, I'd think that cognitive dissonance (CD) is one explanation of confirmation bias (CB), since if it's the case that most people believe "I am right about most things", then admitting one ...
Genghis Kahneman's user avatar
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Cognitive dissonance and interpreting unplesant situations as having a good effect

I took a sociology class that I didn't agree very much with. One thing we discussed was why people who go through hazing (e.g. Jean-François Caudron joining a hokey team) often report feeling closer ...
Celeritas's user avatar
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When was cognitve dissonance discovered?

I am trying to understand when cognitive dissonance was first defined. Would mental health professionals have known about the concept of cognitive dissonance in 1972?
jerryg's user avatar
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Perfectionism, and approval addiction: how are these two generated from a trauma?

Depression and anxiety most of the time stem from a past trauma, but it is actually not the events, but the thoughts that create the symptoms of depression and anxiety. Out of those thoughts, ...
Arslan Ali's user avatar
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Do ALL decisions arouse cognitive dissonance?

I continue to see an oversimplification in the descriptions of the options available that arouse cognitive dissonance: some websites state that all decisions have positive and negative aspects that ...
Bob Pagoda's user avatar
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Why are religious people seemingly unable to hypothesise about a universe without God?

I know many devoutly religious people despite being totally atheist myself. I have occasionally discussed their beliefs and their religion with them, always respectfully. I am able to hypothesise ...
CJ Dennis's user avatar
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Term for behaviour of transfering personal problems to other people and trying to solve them there?

I think my question is a little tricky to express, but I have observed this kind of behaviour pattern many times, and would like to know if it is coined in cognitive science. As an example, consider ...
lneb's user avatar
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What are the consequences of prolonged cognitive dissonance?

We know that situations that induce cognitive dissonance cause a variety of interesting behaviors in humans. But do we know why relieving cognitive dissonance is such a powerful motivator? What ...
Justas's user avatar
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Cognitive Dissonance [closed]

Given the following hypothetical situation: An individual discovers that his girlfriend has cheated on him, but decides to continue to date her after she assures him that she will not do it again. ...
throwawayquestion's user avatar
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The Ben Franklin effect and cognitive dissonance

The Ben Franklin effect is the phenomena that if a person does a favor toward another person, there is an increased likelihood that the person will do another favor for that person. The same is true ...
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