What is the optimal contrast ratio for best readability?
Short answer
Higher contrast increases readability.
In a series of papers under the umbrella "Psychophysics of Reading" (link is to first paper in the series of five) the authors ...
What is the source for the W3C's Contrast Ratio formula?
The W3C link provided by Mark in a comment on "Understanding WCAG 2.0" provides the source for the contrast ratio formula under the "Notes on formula" section.
The formula (L1/L2) ...
Is ignoring messages a learned behavior?
Several explanations could apply crossing psychology and linguistics:
Cognitive: It is perhaps bold to suggest that there could be a perfectly constructed error message. Reading comprehension and ...
What is the source for the W3C's Contrast Ratio formula?
Short Answer
The WCAG 2.x addition of 0.05 to the simple ratio calculation was intended to serve two purposes:
1) Prevent the ratio from calculating as infinite when one of the colors was black (zero)....
Why do many people play Candy Crush without ever buying anything while some spend all their money on it?
Summary: From the few papers I've looked at, microtransaction-based games tend to work as suspected/designed. That is, games which rely on frustration to get the player to spend money (like Candy ...
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