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What is the optimal contrast ratio for best readability?

Short answer Higher contrast increases readability. Background In a series of papers under the umbrella "Psychophysics of Reading" (link is to first paper in the series of five) the authors ...
AliceD's user avatar
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What is the source for the W3C's Contrast Ratio formula?

The W3C link provided by Mark in a comment on "Understanding WCAG 2.0" provides the source for the contrast ratio formula under the "Notes on formula" section. The formula (L1/L2) ...
Steven Jeuris's user avatar
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Is ignoring messages a learned behavior?

Several explanations could apply crossing psychology and linguistics: Cognitive: It is perhaps bold to suggest that there could be a perfectly constructed error message. Reading comprehension and ...
Tony Mobbs's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the source for the W3C's Contrast Ratio formula?

Short Answer The WCAG 2.x addition of 0.05 to the simple ratio calculation was intended to serve two purposes: 1) Prevent the ratio from calculating as infinite when one of the colors was black (zero)....
Myndex's user avatar
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Why do many people play Candy Crush without ever buying anything while some spend all their money on it?

Summary: From the few papers I've looked at, microtransaction-based games tend to work as suspected/designed. That is, games which rely on frustration to get the player to spend money (like Candy ...
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