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Questions tagged [learned-helplessness]

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What does this sentence of Richard Herrnstein regarding learned helplessness theory mean?

In Maier, S. F., & Seligman, M. E. P. (2016), Learned Helplessness at Fifty: Insights from Neuroscience, the authors quote an objection of Richard Herrnstein, a prominent Harvard Skinnerian (...
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What count as an exposure?

From this answer (emboldenment is mine) : If you want to go with modern cognitive theories of motivation, then a good concept to explore would be PLOC (Perceived Locus of Causality), or how much you ...
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Can a subject develop learned helplessness without being conditioned?

In my understanding of this answer, the reason for person A to develop learned helplessness while person B to do not mostly (if not totally) boils down to the explanation styles of the two. But then ...
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Is losing faith the same with learned helplessness?

According to Merriam-Webster, the definition of Lose Faith In is: to no longer believe that (someone or something) can be trusted For example: lost faith in government, in love, in humanity, in ...
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Does the "learned" in "learned helplessness" refer specifically to behaviorism's conditioning?

I was said that because the experiment of Seligman that gave birth the theory of learned helplessness was an expansion of Pavlov's experiment, hence the word "learned" in the term should be ...
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Why is the effectiveness of treatments for abusers and offenders low?

When there is an abuse happening, usually the perspectives of each side are: Police and social worker: How to protect the victim? The abuser: How to get out of trouble? These goals are different, ...
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How widespread is learned-helplessness in society?

Looking at these resources: Wikipedia, Learned helplessness Christopher Peterson, Learned Helplessness, 2010 Mario Mikulincer, Human Learned Helplessness: A Coping Perspective, 2013 I'm still unable ...
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How does one escape learned helplessness?

I've been researching learned helplessness lately, an idea that seems to be responsible for much of the negative behavior observed in humans. Basically, the idea is that once repeatedly exposed to an ...
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