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Questions tagged [belief]

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'You spot it, you got it': is this backed by science?

I learnt the terminology "What you spot is what you've got". For example: You Spot It, You Got It- Recognizing Your Undesirable Traits Projection: What You Spot Is What You've Got This ...
dodo's user avatar
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Is there a technical term for acting as though you have a belief that you do not genuinely hold?

Is there a technical term in psychology for people acting like they believe something they do not? As an example, consider people who acted like they didn't believe Obama was born in the US. I know ...
Anna Sylvester's user avatar
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I need help with finding this specific psychology study!

I don't know where I have read this or watched this, but it's about a study which asks its participants (who were established as logical) to tear the photos of their families in exchange for some ...
Sai Deepak's user avatar
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How do I know that my own beliefs about my motivations are accurate?

When someone performs an action, they generally have a belief about why they are doing it (E.g. “I am going upstairs to pick up my headphones”). These beliefs do not necessarily translate into ...
Nethesis's user avatar
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Is there term to refer to the desire for a coherent narrative to one's life?

Looking to see if there is a pre-existing term to describe this type of belief/hope. By "coherent narrative" I mean a narrative that is alike that of a story, with an overall meaningful arc. ...
Ed_Silver's user avatar
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Neuroplasticity: Does reading information subconsciously transform the brain towards believing said information? What level of skepticism prevents it?

I am focusing on subconscious belief changing. Suppose you read a headline passively. It claims that the lottery has better odds than you think and partaking in the lottery once a week is a smart ...
Water's user avatar
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Is there a term to refer to humans' automatic belief of encountered information?

I believe there is a universal (or, highly regular in the mechanisms of cognition) human tendency to believe a proposition just because they encountered it. I mean this in a very specific way. It’s ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
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Can our beliefs change without reassessment or new evidence?

Can our beliefs change without reassessment or new evidence? I think the strength of our beliefs can change, say from 90-95% as the day wore on. But do people, people with or without psychosis, start ...
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Alternative to the Beads Task for the role of emotion in belief revision

Context I'm interested in understanding how emotion / affect is linked to belief revision. My supervisor suggested I use the classic beads task or something similar to it to get at this problem. ...
PsychCat's user avatar
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Is cognitive distortions more fixated than cognitive biases?

I get that due to our heuristic, we can have cognitive bias. However, it is simply out of our awareness, and if someone else points them out correctly, we are easy to accept that (maybe with ...
Ooker's user avatar
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Experiment changing strongly held attitudes or beliefs

Has there been an experiment replicating the change of a strongly held belief or attitude in the psychology literature? I understand that this is an extremely difficult phenomenon to replicate, and ...
Swaggy Swagtastic's user avatar
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Is "belief" in folk psychology just a sub-type of memory?

In folk psychology, we talk about beliefs. For instance, you can ask someone, why did you increase your investment in the stock market? He may say, well, I believe that the stock market will likely go ...
J Li's user avatar
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Is losing faith the same with learned helplessness?

According to Merriam-Webster, the definition of Lose Faith In is: to no longer believe that (someone or something) can be trusted For example: lost faith in government, in love, in humanity, in ...
Ooker's user avatar
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Probability distribution for a random variable related to self-assignment of a person's degree of belief

I am not a psychologist or neuroscientist. I am a mathematician wondering about how a person normally evaluate its own degree of belief in a given proposition. Suppose a person X is given a question ...
João Alves Jr.'s user avatar
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Why do people believe what they believe?

What is the basis or sequence of events that leads to someone believing something is true. Is there a framework that can be used to understand how people develop belief? How do they go about doing it? ...
user1605665's user avatar
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Which area of psychology studies false beliefs?

Imagine a person has some false beliefs, which are also reflected then in his actions: I don't want to interact with people because I don't trust them and 90% of time they will betray me If I form ...
Don's user avatar
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Why do human beings double down on their perspective?

I am coming at this thinking about two different situations. Those in political parties digging in their heels and doubling down on their beliefs. Friends or relationship partners standing their ...
HareSurf's user avatar
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