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Questions tagged [gender]

For questions relating to biological and social characterizations of gender and attributable differences in behavior and psychological processes based on these constructs.

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Transgenderism and personality

Has any research been conducted to study how individuals may vary on personality inventories, for example, the Big Five, based on whether they are cisgender versus transgender? Broadly, inquiry may ...
brainchild's user avatar
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Why does Cross-sex hormone therapy have an opposite effect on cortical thickness?

In a recent lecture I was informed that cross-sex hormone therapy increases the cortical thickness in FtMs, but decreases CTh in MtFs. Why does this happen when studies find females have increased ...
blahyeah's user avatar
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What is the current neuroscience perspective on the gender-equality paradox?

According to Wikipedia, the gender-equality paradox is the finding that various gender differences in personality and occupational choice are larger in more gender-equal countries. When looking for ...
Alexei's user avatar
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OCD or transgender? Or mix of them?

I had to study over recent years on layman level, whether OCD in general vs "transgender self-perception" (clinical definition of gender dysphoria?) are separate phenomena or they overlap. ...
aytvill's user avatar
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Does male preference for feminine women faces vary with bisexual orientantion and/or (BDSM) submisiveness?

I found some papers on the variance of male preference for "feminine" women faces: "Men report stronger attraction to femininity in women's faces when their testosterone levels are high" "Men’s ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
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Searching for gender stereotype questionnaire specific to central europe

Reviewing the literature there are several inventories to measure gender stereotype values. For example, to name but a few: the Adjective Check List (ACL; Williams & Bennett, 1975) the Sex-Role ...
Hannes Elsebrock's user avatar
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Has research established a negative relation between gender-neutral language and gender stereotyping of known individuals?

There has been some research on the effect of gender-neutral language on gender stereotypes. For instance, Lindqvist et al. (2017) studied the effect of gendered and non-gendered pronouns on ...
Obie 2.0's user avatar
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Are the sides of the body associated with gender stereotypes?

For example, creating an experiment in which the words "male" and "female" would be presented on the left or right side of a screen, and participants had to click a left button for "male" and a right ...
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Do transgender people have a heightened awareness of gender identity compared to cisgender people?

In my interactions with anti-trans people, I've noticed that many of them deny the existence of gender identity (including their own I would assume). As a cis man, I must admit that I am not really ...
ibonyun's user avatar
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What's the rationale behind marriages where the man is much older?

It is not uncommon to see couples where the two spouses are twenty to thirty years apart in age, that is, one third to one half of a lifetime apart. In such cases, it is much more common for the man, ...
Tom Au's user avatar
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Is there a way for a man to be as sensitive as women in understanding other's thoughts and emotions?

If women are better than men at reading thoughts and emotions by looking at eyes, because they are born for this, then is there a way to make a man to be as sensitive as women? Is it similar to ...
Ooker's user avatar
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Effect of enactive cognition on gender

I'm doing a PhD in archaeology and assyriology (cuneiform writing; Sumerian language), exploring the process of gendering that deities underwent during the 3rd millennium BC. I'm looking into using ...
Monica Palmero's user avatar
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Are traditional masculinity norms optimal in terms of mating preferences?

Are traditional masculinity norms optimal in terms of mating preferences? In other words, do women prefer men who exhibit those traditional gender norms of masculinity? Traditional gender norms of ...
Starckman's user avatar
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gender related activism scale

I'm looking for a self-report measure that assesses involvement and interest in activism that centers around gender equity, including (but not limited to) topics like gender equality, segregation and ...
stephan_phd's user avatar
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Do women naturally form groups to defend themselves?

What I'm describing is also further explained in this post, written by and for women apparently. Can this behaviour be attributed to the whole gender? Is it a social construct or the outcome of ...
Yuri Borges's user avatar
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Is there a scientific term for "situational" differences in behaviour?

Sorry for giving this such a vague title, as it is slightly difficult to explain. The debate about differences in behaviour (say between the genders) is normally characterised as nature vs. nurture - ...
Casebash's user avatar
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1. Men value physical attractiveness more than Women when dating. 2. Men are more likely to have casual sex than Women. How about for Transgender?

It is a common sense that men statistically place much more important on physical attractiveness when dating, no matter whether they are heterosexual or homosexual: 1 It is also a common sense that ...
Raxrax's user avatar
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Is it more likely that ftm are gay/bisexual than mtf?

What I read online is mostly about gay/bisexual ftm but rarely about gay/bisexual mtf. According to some studies, women are more likely to be bisexual than men. So is this the case as well for ftm? ...
Raxrax's user avatar
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How much bigger is sex drive in men than in women?

There are several studies that determine that sex drive in men is bigger than in women (which, anyway, is something that almost anyone can conclude by observing). Here are some web pages examining ...
user2638180's user avatar