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Questions tagged [dynamic-systems]

For questions about applying dynamical systems and complex systems theory to explaining perception, thought and behavior.

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How to derive Eq (1.34) based on a circuit as Eq (1.5) does in the book Neuronal Dynamics

In section 1.5 of text Neuronal Dynamics, there is an equation (1.34). I have difficulty understanding how this equation is derived. I can see that this equation looks very similar to equation (1.5) ...
zzzhhh's user avatar
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Does Consciousness require a Structured Physical System?

I have been studying Giulio Tononi's Integrated Information Theory, and there he mentions 5 characteristics of human conscious experience (source:
Anuj Manoj Shah's user avatar
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Brain Dynamics at the Edge of Chaos

I've repeatedly come across the claim that brain dynamics operate near the edge of chaos, but usually they do not give any useful sources on how we actually know this. I'm also aware that there are ...
qeschaton's user avatar
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What is 'n-dynamics' mentioned by Poli?

In a seminar abstract titled "THE UNREASONABLE INEFFECTIVENESS OF MATHEMATICS IN COGNITIVE SCIENCES" by Roberto Poli, he mentions I will consider some conceptual issues that might prove important ...
Memming's user avatar
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How to generate networks for dynamic emotion modelling

In Figure 1 (shown below) of "Micro-Level Affect Dynamics in Psychopathology Viewed From Complex Dynamical System Theory" by Wichers et al, they claim that the emotional/affective dynamics of networks ...
Seanny123's user avatar
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Can normal brain activity arise from no (or random) brain activity?

I wonder how stable the brain is as a dynamical system. In other words, how important the state (current activation) of the brain is for its further functioning. Would the brain recover from a state ...
danijar's user avatar
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How to interpret neuron spiking models one comes across in literature?

Background I'm in high school currently conducting research (obviously it is relatively rudimentary compared to what is being done in the labs, etc.) in computational neuroscience. I'm dealing with ...
theideasmith's user avatar
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Categorization of Lewin's Work

I'm trying to categorize Kurt Lewin's work, specifically his force field model and his three-step model of change. From what I read, he was strongly influenced by the Gestaltists and he's considered ...
Johannes Bauer's user avatar
9 votes
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The mind as a state of matter or physical system?

What examples of attempts to formalize a principled physical basis for consciousness and/or a general theory of the mind exist? I read a fascinating ArXiV preprint last year called Consciousness as a ...
Christian Hummeluhr's user avatar
8 votes
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Spiking Neural Network Simulation: Measuring and Classifying Bump Attractor States

I am currently working with Spiking Neural Networks and multi-(meta)-stable attractor states. What I observe in my simulations are 'bump' attractors that appear, disappear, and may wander around. ...
SmCaterpillar's user avatar
10 votes
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Why aren't Connectionism and Dynamicism considered part of the Computational Theory of the Mind?

In the Wikipedia article for Computational Theory of the Mind (NOT to be confused with Computational Representational Understanding of Mind which includes Connectionism), it is mentioned that ...
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