How long does an area clean-up help it stay clean?
Research indeed demonstrates that littering is significantly more frequent when there is existing litter - for reviews, see Huffman et al (1995), and Geller et al (1982. pp 84-97).
A more recent ...
Why do people take unreasonable conventions for granted?
Much behaviour is ritual (in the non-religious sense) not rational. Ritual behaviour evolves by trial and error, so if you had a good experience after throwing salt over your shoulder then that ...
What is the link between descriptive norm & informational social influence? When the descriptive norm doesn't appear to be "correct"?
In theory, a descriptive norm influences an individual by changing the individual's judgement of what is right. It is based on the idea that individuals use information from groups to make judgements ...
How can psychologists define 'mental health' when we know quite little about complexities of human life?
Although you are correct in thinking, mental health is not defined merely by what others feel, it is a lot more personal. If I am understanding your question correctly, you believe that mental health ...
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