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Nick H's user avatar
Nick H
  • Member for 5 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 5 years ago
  • London, UK
2 votes

Correlation between "mechanical aptitude" and IQ

2 votes

Why do our brains act in such a evil way sometimes that hurts other people?

1 vote

Research correlating stress/boredom with eating/comfort-seeking?

1 vote

Does the way you perceive something for the first time have a big influence on future perceptions of similar stimuli?

1 vote

Does the concept of employee engagement add anything over and above traditional concepts?

1 vote

Do we have a psychological need to talk to people?

1 vote

How should I understand the Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?

0 votes

Is there a definitive list of intrinsic motivators?

0 votes

What causes people to betray each other when facing the prisoner's dilemma?

0 votes

How does the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument relate to the Big Five?

0 votes

Do people always decide to do things that they believe will provide them the maximum amount of positive feelings in their conscious life?

-1 votes

Does this recent twin study contradict Anders Erricson's view on the hereditary basis of talent?

-1 votes

Is what psychologists define as subconsciousness proven in neuroscience and can the psychological subconsciousness be visualized by neuroscientists?