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Equalize/balance brightness and saturation of different colors using RGB (across various monitors)

We want to present different colors to participants in an online experiment (in an HTML/CSS-based application, hence we'll use RGB values). More in specific, we ...
gaspar's user avatar
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Why does an image seem smaller through a pinhole when viewing with human eye

I was chewing gum when I took the Trident gum wrapper and rolled it into an open cylinder with a diameter of about 1.5mm (give or take 0.15mm). When I look through the gum wrapper (I have to put it ...
d1600552's user avatar
3 votes
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Why is deltaE not used as a measure of error?

I've recently read a few articles pertaining to visual memory. Most of them (e.g. Bays et al., 2009 use the continuous color recall task where they ask participants to recall the color of an object by ...
MCon's user avatar
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Fit a psychometric function when the maximum is not 100% (not because of lapse)

I found that currently the form of psychometric function assumes that the proportion correct lies between 0.5-1 given the range of stimulus level, but how to fit a psychometric function when the ...
Cloudy's user avatar
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Ability to identify an "average" vs a maximum (or minimum)?

I have a hypothesis that humans are better able to identify the largest (or smallest) in a set of objects, compared to their ability to identify an average object, i.e. the one closest to the mean. ...
Brian I's user avatar
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How do different emotional intensity ratings within a condition influence the comparison across different conditions in an event-related fMRI task?

I'm planning an event-related fMRI-experiment to investigate the difference in processing natural and computer-generated expressions. For this, we recorded videos of 4 different actors posing fearful ...
Anna's user avatar
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4 votes
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How do I stream SMI glasses eye tracker data into MATLAB?

We are planning to use the SMI glasses eye tracker. This eye tracker obtains gaze data and we will use it for pupillometry as a measure of cognitive load. The only thing I'd like to accomplish is ...
AliceD's user avatar
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What is the cause of differences that are too small to see?

Consider two identical pieces of paper. Scenario 1: On both something is drawn in black ink. If the difference between the areas covered in black ink is sufficiently small, I cannot see the ...
Mark's user avatar
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5 votes
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Binocular rivalry in animals?

Are there any experiments on binocular rivalry in animals? (In humans, brain responses to Rubin's vase are for example well studied.)
guest's user avatar
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How can I create a set of comparable symbols of different shapes?

I was thinking about doing a small experiment during university course where participants have to answer a personality quiz and then they have to compare different symbols (like triangles, rectangles ...
ITJ's user avatar
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