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Questions tagged [cognitive-enhancement]

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Learn Cognitive Empathy

I recently stumbled upon some psychology sites and learned more about the 3 types of empathy. Since I want to understand everyone better, I want to improve my skills at empathy. I found a lot of ...
Aynos's user avatar
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Will acquiring a second language improves the person's general intelligence and reading?

According to this information will acquiring a second language improves the person's general intelligence and reading, even if the individual started learning and have learned it after the age of 18? ...
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Does the Rubik's Cube increase mental ability?

Does becoming efficient in the cube help build your brain to be able to do other tasks better? What tasks and how?
Muze's user avatar
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Can the brain be enhanced by adding more neurons?

I was wondering of ways to enhance the brain. Couldn't we add a sort of substance to improve the brain? Will it somehow adapt? The brain should 'wire up' the new substance to the existing one. As ...
JingleBells's user avatar
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Do stimulants increase the IQ tests score for everyone?

There is some meta-analytic evidence that stimulants increase the IQ test scores of ADHD children by 2 to 7 points (Jepsen et al., 2009). Although giving stimulants to non-ADHD children may be ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
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Can Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), or a magnets cap make you smarter?

According to wikipedia, TMS is a bunch of magnetic fields directed to the brain which stimulates and activates neurons. If I wear a cap full of magnets, will it stimulate my neurons? If yes, will a ...
Enoque Duarte's user avatar
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Can learning be facilitated by transcranial magnetic stimulation?

I read a book a while ago called The Brain that Changes Itself by Norman Doidge (2007), and it brought to my attention a machine known as a transcranial magnetic stimulator (TMS) which can ...
Klik's user avatar
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