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6 votes

How do inside jokes work?

Check out the two articles below: Meyer, J. C. (2000). Humor as a double-edged sword: Four functions of humor in communication. Communication Theory. Two of the functions unite communicators through ...
John K. Kruschke's user avatar
5 votes

Why do we find high pitched voices funny?

Two things come to mind for me.. First, at a very basic level, things that are perceptually salient capture our attention (Corbetta & Shulman, 2002), and this is obviously important for ...
fffrost's user avatar
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1 vote

Why is the chicken crossing the road joke funny?

I think, as you surmised, the joke isn't all that funny. I would consider the dynamics of the social interaction in which the joke was told as more important than the joke itself. Laughter is as ...
Alec Hoyland's user avatar
1 vote

Does the brain have a mechanism to protect from death by laughter?

The brain does regulate body functions towards a homeostasis that keeps the organism alive, including starting breathing again if the person is holding their breath, or losing consciousness and ...
Cameron Brick's user avatar

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