Questions tagged [mental-exhaustion]

For questions related to fatigue of the mental faculties, which can manifest as somnolence, lack of attention, or loss of consciousness.

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How to give rest to ones brain during the day?

I often work on/think about some kind of complicated problem until I realize my brain doesn’t yield the mental focus/concentration/working memory needed to make progress any more(, which sometimes ...
Zaph's user avatar
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At what rate and to what extent do metabolic waste products from neurons diffuse throughout the brain?

At what rate and to what extent do metabolic waste products from neurons diffuse throughout the brain? Do the metabolic waste products remain local to the neurons being used, or do those waste ...
Nathan Wailes's user avatar
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What is known about societal mental degradation?

Question comes to me after reading about Calhoun's Universe 25 experiment, where mental degradation of mice was observed under extreme overcrowding. What interested me here how the mental state of the ...
tryst with freedom's user avatar
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Using the Brain too much?

The question is under what conditions can we overuse our brain? To be concrete lets focus on mental tasks like coding and math problem solving. Q1: How many hours of "fun"(i.e. stressfree) problem ...
Thomas Kojar's user avatar
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Rates of parental burnout for parents with ASD children/disability

In a question from Academic SE, there was a description of parent's of a student on the spectrum refusing to be contacted by the university. I suspect that his parents may be suffering from burn out/...
Poidah's user avatar
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Apart from sleep, does the brain needs rest?

I am a graduate student in CS, and naturally, I take several breaks a day from studying, but I feel that most of those breaks are habit-influenced and that I do not absolutely need to get off my seat ...
Curious's user avatar
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Are there any papers showing that too much learning matters is bad for memory? [closed]

Does anyone know papers indicating that too much information is bad for the memory or even more precise - that too much learning matter is bad for the success of a student? I know a bit of the ...
S. Christensen's user avatar
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What cognitive processes occur during a mental exhaustion or 'burnout'?

Mental burnout - or mental exhaustion is not very pleasant, when one feels completely overwhelmed, something 'snaps' and it is hard to concentrate and maintain motivation. What are the cognitive ...
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What are the common nutritional deficiencies in western countries related to reduced mental performance? [closed]

What are the common nutritional deficiencies in western countries related to reduced mental performance ? I've heard about omega 3, folid acid, and vitamin D deficiencies, the last two are now reduced ...
Qbik's user avatar
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Can mental exhaustion be measured?

I asked this question a long while ago, but I never got an answer to whether mental exhaustion can be measured. If mental exhaustion could be measured, it would mean that I would have a way of knowing ...
David's user avatar
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