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Do people still use ACT-R?

A lot of computational cognitive scientists seem to be working on Neural nets (mostly vision scientists), Reinforcement learning (mostly decision making people) and Bayesian Inferences. I could hardly ...
Nishad Singhi's user avatar
13 votes
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What is the ACT-R model of learning?

I am reading this paper titled: Effect of Temporal Spacing between Advertising Exposures In this paper, the author mentions the ACT-R model and how it explains an ...
Dawny33's user avatar
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Neuroanatomical mapping of production compilation

ACT-R and Spaun map their production rule system onto the the basal ganglia and thalamus. However, I haven't been able to find how ACT-R maps production rule compilation onto the basal ganglia or ...
Seanny123's user avatar
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In ACT-R difference between declarative and working memory

I'm currently studying PRIMs within the context of ACT-R by reading these two papers. In the papers, there are references to both declarative and working memory modules of ACT-R. What is the ...
Seanny123's user avatar
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How does PRIMs solve the binding problem?

I was reading this paper by Neil Taatgen on primitive information processing elements (PRIMs), as a type of machine-language for ACT-R. In the paper he claims: The absence of variables means that ...
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