I'm not 100% sure if this is what you were intending to ask, because your initial opening was about generation Z (which is at the large cultural level) while on the other hand your question written in bold seemed to be geared towards the individual. I have tried incorporating both parts into this answer.
In essence I could not tell between which of the two concepts in psychology you were interested in: Uncertainty Avoidance or Proactive Personality (the lack of which is what you describe).
There is an intersection between the two concepts. You may start here in case you want to look deeper into the latter.
Background to Answer
Of particular interest in this study is the macro dimension of
uncertainty avoidance measured at an individual level. Cultures high
on uncertainty avoidance are risk adverse. Individuals in these
cultures prefer stability in their lives and careers. They want their
environment to be predictable. To foster compliance among their
members, cultures high in uncertainty avoidance structure behavior
through such mechanisms as laws, religion or customs. Vague situations
are avoided in high uncertainty avoidance cultures, and group norms
and rules reduce ambiguity. Individuals tend to attach themselves to
the dominant cultural group and comply with its expectations
(Hofstede, 1980).
However, there has been a suggestion in organizational research that rather than the more passive attachment
to the dominant group, some cultures actively try to reduce
uncertainty by controlling their future environment. For example,
Schneider and DeMeyer (1991) suggested that managers in high
uncertainty avoidance cultures are likely to engage in proactive
behaviors in an attempt to adapt to a dynamic environment. Geletkanycz
(1997) also found that executives who are high on uncertainty
avoidance in their cultural background seek strategic solutions that
respond to dynamic environments. That is, they engage in adaptation as a way of
reduce risk. Because of this alternative way of adapting to
uncertainty, Geletkanycz (1997) called for further research to examine
the issue that not all individuals react to risk by adhering to the
norm but rather adjust to position themselves in a safer position in
the future.
Research has also identified that individuals high on uncertainty
avoidance make choices for uncertain outcomes that involve gains
(Ladbury & Hinz, 2009). For example, individuals can be induced to
volunteer for treatment in a randomly assigned process if they are
offered monetary compensation for showing up (Harrison, Lau &
Rutstrom, 2009). An individual’s income can also have an influence on
uncertainty avoidance and outcomes. For example, Yang-Ming (2008)
found that as income increases, individuals high on uncertainty
avoidance were more willing to take risks.
Relation between Uncertainty Avoidance and Productivity (Individual Level)
In her research with business executives, Geletkanycz (1997)
hypothesized that top managers whose background cultures were high on
uncertainty avoidance would be uncomfortable with uncertainty. Because
of their need for structure, she predicted that they would be
resistant to change. They would avoid taking action to alter their
situation. However, what she found in her research was that managers
whose background cultures were high in uncertainty avoidance reduced
their feeling of uncertainty by adapting to the environment. She
surmised that in the dramatic changes related to technology and
globalization, it was safer and less risky for these executives to
adjust to the changing environment rather that inflexibly hanging on
to what is known.
Relation between Uncertainty Avoidance and Productivity (Macro Level)
The cultural value of uncertainty avoidance influenced whether Irish
firms were successful as compared to German firms (Rauch, Frese, &
Sonnentag, 2000). Ireland scores low on uncertainty avoidance in
contrast to Germany which is high on the value. It was found that
successful small business owners in Ireland did not plan. Rather,
customers in that culture valued flexibility and quick solutions to
problems. In contrast, German business owners were more successful
when they did plan. It was proposed by these researchers that in such
high uncertainty avoidance cultures, it was expected that individuals
engage in careful planning to reduce risk by attempting to control
future events. However, the results were more consistent with the
interpretation made by Schneider and DeMeyer (1991) in that they found
that planning is culturally appropriate, and this detailed planning
resulted in a successful relationship with customers who also valued
planning (Rauch, Frese, & Sonnentag, 2000).
Primary Source:
The Two Faces of Uncertainty Avoidance: Attachment and Adaptation
David S. Baker and Kerry D. Carson University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Citations within Source
Culture’s consequences: International differences in work-related values.
Hofstede, G. (1980). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Interpreting and responding to strategic issues: The impact of national culture.
Schneider, S. C., & DeMeyer, A. (1991). Strategic Management Journal, 12(4), 307-320.
Uncertainty avoidance influences choices for potential gains but not losses.
Ladbury, J., & Hinsz, V. B. (2009). Current Psychology, 28(3), 187-193.
Corporate cash holdings, uncertainty avoidance, and the multinationality of firms.
Ramirez, A., & Tadesse, S. (2009).International Business Review, 18(4), 387-403.