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4 answers

Why do we rely on others in dangerous situations?

*This question is based on my observations. Q: What is the reason people trust their peers implicitly in extreme (or not) situations? Example: I am walking with a friend, and I am telling him ...
Boris Mocialov's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Why does clickbait use numbers?

Around the Internet, especially in social media, we see examples of hyperlinks in a common format that has been cynically dubbed "click bait" or "link bait". The idea is that authors publish these ...
Anthony's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Does eye contact improve attention and learning?

I remember having read a article in The Economist's Science and Technology section that presented evidence to the effect that attention and learning benefits from some forms of eye contact. If I am ...
Drux's user avatar
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