What is the difference between
in experimental design in psychology? And how is a foil different from a distractor?
Often, experimental designs in psychology contain a target participant (who receives the experimental manipulation) and then also other types, such as:
control: no intervention, or a different intervention confederate: fake participant (actor, or often research assistant) observer: in social influence paradigms
perhaps foil is a confederate. Hard to know without you providing the source.
A target is:
A stimulus that a research participant or subject is searching for or trying to concentrate on, and that in research is often accompanied by distractors.
And a foil is:
In research methodology, another name for a distractor.
For example, in a multiple choice question, the correct answer is the "target", and the rest are "foils" or distractors. This is similar to a police lineup, where the suspect is the "target", and the rest are "foils" or fillers. "Foil" and "distractor" are synonyms.