The question is if I could teach my brain to understand binary codes (for example, ASCII) just like I teach it to understand English, French or any other language.
That includes:
- not to translate it each time I read some binaries, like 01100001 01100010 automatically reads 'ab'.
- understand both written, pronounced and somehow sound-coded form (like Morse)
- write and say it naturally
The idea is not to teach computer speak to people, but to teach people speak to a computer in his language. In general, human brain can be taught anything. It is a programmable computer. However, you can only program it very slow. If you can teach your subconscious to multiply numbers, why can't you teach it to encode MD5? Or decoding HTTPS data given a key? Even bruteforce?
So the question is if there are any researches on the topic, or the people who tried such learning? Are there any techniques? Also, what if we teach a 2-year old child this language, will it be natural for him just like the English is natural for English-grown child?
P.S. Some upgrade of this idea is to place some radiowaves-to-soundwaves direct converters and "listen" to the radiosignals around you. Somehow "spy" on neighbours Wi-Fi.
P.P.S. I've asked this questions on datascience stackexchange, and the community suggested moving it here. However, it is also moved to lifehacks, where I received a few answers:
instead of writing the 4-6 commands that does this in assembly or even more characters that tell this to the CPU. Also, the CPU commands will be different for each CPU, but in C or other languages, the commands will stay the same. In short, it goes against everything we learn on how to program. $\endgroup$