I am still studying and where I extensively use the DSM whilst writing essays etc. for my coursework, a question has arisen with regard to referencing the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) whilst researching, and whilst answering a question within Cognitive Sciences. Providing the answer raised this question when referencing the ICD codes used in the DSM.
Those familiar with 5th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) will know that with information on each mental health disgnostic criteria, there are ICD codes at the top, which are ICD-9 codes followed by the now compulsory ICD-10 codes in brackets. Whilst in my essays etc., just like in the DSM-5, I reference both ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes, however all HIPAA-covered entities had to transition from using ICD-9 codes to using ICD-10 codes back in late 2015.
The problem arises for me when looking in the ICD for the codes referenced in the DSM. I'll give some examples here.
In order for me to answer the question, I referenced DSM diagnostic criteria for Somatic Symptom Disorder, Illness Anxiety Disorder and Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD).
- For Somatic Symptom Disorder, in the DSM it references ICD-10 code F45.1 which in the ICD, that code is for Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder, however as I highlighted in my answer, F45 which is the header of that section of codes refers to Somatoform Disorders.
- When looking at Illness Anxiety Disorder, the DSM references ICD-10 code F45.21 which doesn't exist.
- When looking at BDD, the DSM references ICD-10 code F45.22 and when you look in the ICD, again there is no such code, however there is F45.2 which refers to Hypochondriacal Disorder which in turn references BDD as a Hypochondriacal Disorder.
On page 23 of DSM-5 - under Coding and Reporting Procedures, which is within the Use of the Manual section - it indicates that the ICD codes are typically used by institutions and agencies for data collection and billing purposes and they were established by WHO, the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Health Statistics to ensure consistent international recording of prevalence and mortality rates for identified health conditions.
Am I missing something when looking at the ICD publication to look the diagnoses up under the ICD-10 codes or am I looking at things in the wrong way?