According to Daniel Kahneman (Thinking, Fast and Slow), we have two types of thinking:
I. fast, instinctive and emotional
II. slower, more deliberative, and more logical
I found interesting Kahneman's remark that IQ score represents a person's System II ability (it does not measure System I nor the subject's ability to apply them appropriately).
I assume that it is possible to prioritize the System I early on in one's life because it is a fast way to the end. (Example: In elementary/high school Maths, many tasks can be solved somewhat intuitively since they are simple reoccurring problems. And instead of real deep understanding of the rules, the problems can be solved by application of problem-solving patterns. This applies especially to situations when competition is promoted, thus speed is rewarded.)
Now, Is it possible (how?) to (re)train oneself to apply more of the System II?