The following books are explained from a cognitive sciences perspective and rely strongly on psychology or sociology.
- Self-help books
- Dale Carnegie - Social Intelligence (empathy, emotional intelligence)
- Wayne Dyer - Your Erroneous Zones
- No more Mr. Nice guy
- Dale Carnegie - How to win friends and influence people
- Books about Seduction
- The mystery method
For example one of the books about seduction speaks of Pavlovian conditioning. Additionally, even though they don't often use words like "rationalization" the books are often written by psychologist.
Are these books classified as psychology books?
Further clarification
Under the name of Cognitive Sciences are going a lot topics.
From very low level science to more applied. But the books I've cited are at a very high level (and since that also less verifiable). This kind of stuff is still classified as "applied psychology" or something like that?
They don't deal with stuff like "rationalization" but with the consequences of it. (i.e. childish behaviour, assertive behaviour, seduction, manipulation, conditioning, emotions, self-esteem handling, NLP, and so on..)