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Questions tagged [survival]

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Does LATL damage impair one's ability to see the bigger picture?

It is the theory of Allan Snyder that the underlying mechanism of savantism is an access to "lower-level, less-processed information, before its packaged into holistic concepts and meaningful ...
A. Kvåle's user avatar
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The full range of implications of LATL damage

I'm studying the phenomenon of acquired savant syndrome, and the literature I've read till now frames it as such (not a quote, just my understanding): Savant syndrome occurs when the left anterior ...
A. Kvåle's user avatar
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Is survival instinct trained from pain or born with?

So are instincts such as not touching fire or don’t touch sharp points trained out because we felt pain from them first (or heard it’ll bring pain from other)? Or are those instinct born with us?
Andrew.Wolphoe's user avatar
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What is the context of nostalgia?

People often have old watches, old cars or some old articles which are not functional but they don't feel like throwing them away. So what purpose does such a feeling serve and how is it helpful or ...
Sushant's user avatar
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