It is agreed that Autism Spectrum disorders / Aspergers etc cannot be 'cured'; they can be managed with coping strategies, and suppressed with medicines, but not solved at the root level.
[Source: "autism is not an illness or disease and cannot be cured"]
There are amazing positive changes available to people through Neuro Linguistic Programming or Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (and many others)...
[Source: the NHS, plus do I really have to supply proof that talking - without drugs - can help some people make behavioural changes?!]
...but I worry that certain autistic traits are so embedded in the brain that large changes would not be accessible to those on the spectrum.
So how do those with autism know how hard to push themselves to improve skills that the rest of the population find easier? E.G. Someone might find that endless hours of effort can help them overcome a pedantic obsession of control/detail... but any time spent trying to halt their adherence to routine is a wasted effort.
Is there a way to tell which traits are worth battling, and which are unsolvable?
And what about people on the borderline (self-diagnosed, or appearing very autistic in some areas but not in others). Are their unwanted traits more easily solvable just because they do not have the full set of symptoms?