I've read many papers on concepts, but their tests are sparsely described or abstractly mentioned. I want to test for classic, prototype and exemplar theories. How do you approach the problem?
Some publications I've read:
A Generalization of Hebbian Learning in Perceptual and Conceptual
Family resemblance : Internal structure of categaries
Categorization of Natural Objects
Reclaiming Concepts
Categories, Concepts, Fuzzy Sets, and Logical Deduction
Principals of Categorization
Basic objects in natural categories
Concept and conceptual structure
.... and many more.
most of them are from Eleanor Rosch, ..
Reading also the big book on concepts
this seem to be informative :
Category norms: An updated and expanded version of the Battig and Montague (1969) norms http://www.lcs.pomona.edu/HewlettCognitiveScience/resources/assets/CategoryNorms2004.pdf