I posted the question "Is 50% of a happiness determined by genetics?" on Skeptics but realize I don't fully understand the claim. What does it mean that 50% of happiness is determined by genetics?
Does it mean that each time a person is happy, 50% of the reason they are happy is because of genetics? How can that possibly make sense as happiness is a human construct so why wouldn't the genetic factor apply the same to other emotions like sadness?
Is an example of how genetics determines happiness, that someone is predisposed to liking chocolate, so if they're happy when eating chocolate cake, genetics is 50% of the reason they are happy? Is that the claim?
Does this mean that an unhappy person can't do that much to become happy?
EDIT: would it be correct to say a person can change their level of happiness by +/-50%? Is this what the claim is saying?
TL;DR does the statement mean a person has at most 50% control over how happy they are?