I am looking for simple artificial neural networks that may perform the following serializing task.
Consider two identical Hopfield networks, one being at rest, the other being in a stable state of acitivity (a subset of its neurons firing synchronously).
The task is to connect these two networks to a serializer and a deserializer network with the serializer passing only a sequence of signals to the deserializer (along one single line) such that the stable state of the first network will be reconstructed in the second network, just by the specific sequence of signals.
Can be seen at a glance that this task cannot be solved with (de)serializers made out of McCulloch-Pitts neurons alone?
If it can not be solved: which kind of neurons would be needed?
If it can be solved: how (in the most simple way)? (For simplicity's sake you may consider two Hopfield networks of only three MP neurons each.)
Note, that not the total of $n$ (e.g. 3) bits (to describe completely the state of network A) has to be transferred (because of the reconstruction abilities of the identical network B). The other way around: network B might reach the copied state earlier than the end of message arrived.