Firstly, I need to declare that I am not psychologyst, however I am currently working on visual recognition research. To be precise, I working on face recognition deficits in Autism Spectrum Disorder. I am in charge of doing an experiment but I feel I come to a dead end even though I didn't even start with it.
As I mentioned above, I investigate face recognition deficits in ASD. I will use faces and objects. For this task I will use 2-AFC match-to-sample task. I need to morph faces and objects and for this purpose I need to use a QUEST staircase for measure morph distance at which participants could discriminate between items with 75% accuracy.
Here is the problem: I don't know how to use a QUEST staircase. Or better say, I don't know how can I decide how many trials should I have, which morph distance should I use between items, how should I know which morph distracter should I use, should I use in the beginning easy test pairs and what exactly does it means, is 85%-morph distracter is an easy pair, etc.? As you can see I don't know to do an experiment, it is almost completely new field for me.
I am trying to find my answers in: Psychophysics: A Practical Introduction by Kingdom & Prins; Experimental Design by Cunningham & Wallraven; Visual Psychophysics by Lu & Dosher just to mention a few. However, I wish to find some book or article where I can see an example step by step how to make a similar experiment, i.e. AFC. I know there is bunch of information but I am just overwhelmed and lost.
What literature/ web sites/ blogs etc. can you suggest to me? How/ where to start?