I am doing some work with students on happiness and thought it would be useful for us to have a look at their subjective well-being.
The EdX Science of Happiness course made use of weekly checkins like this one: https://ucbpsych.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_aVt9kWutzGlImwJ
The test is 6 questions, each one you are shown a drawing of a face with an emotion (3 positive, 3 negative) and you are asked to rate "To what extent does the character above match how you've been feeling lately?"
I'd like to learn more about this instrument. Like what research has been done to determine the validity of the measure, the origins of it, considerations when applying it.
I can't find any information on it, there doesn't seem to be a reference on the course page as to where it came from.
Does anyone have any ideas?