I know from my own experience at university that it is often a big challenge to find enough participants for empirical studies (mine was an online experiment with 8 experimental conditions, so lots of respondents were needed to get meaningful results).
After I had finished writing my master's thesis in 2015, I decided to (try to) tackle the problem of small sample sizes with a new approach. The goal was to develop a website that allows everyone to post their empirical study (online survey or experiment) and to find additional participants based on the principle of voluntary and fair mutual support.
In the meantime, theThe project has turned into a small start-up called SurveyCircle and the website www.surveycircle.com. The platform was recently launched in 9 English speaking countries. If you want, please feel free to stop by our website and have a look at the concept (theThe usage is free and you can see all current studies without even signing up).
By the way: The site was not only made for researchers but also for people who are curious about research in general: If they want to experience research projects first hand and support them, they may participate in studies of their choice.
Best wishes, Jonas