How to integrate realistic cognitive models of human behaviour and ecomonic models is an open research question, however to tackle it, it might be helpful to break it into a few more easily answerable sub-questions:
- What models of human planning with emotional influence exist? There are a number of models in existence that try to capture emotion and personality. However, I don't know any that apply to planning specifically, given that modelling long-term planning is an extremely hard problem in it's own right! My lab-mate Peter Blouw made a rudimentary model of planning with Bryan Tripp that just got accepted to the CogSci2016 Conference. I will update this answer with the link once it is public ally available.
- What models of human social interactions integrate personality? Human social interactions are really hard to model, especially at a large scaleespecially at a large scale, consequently most models that currently exist are rudimentary at best.
- What is the most detailed cognitive model of human behaviour used in economics? I don't know the answer to this off the top of my head, by I remember this being discussed in Khaneman's "Think Fast, Thinking Slow", where he talks about the diminishing returns that come with including more complicated cognitive factors in economic models.
To get more complete answers to these questions, feel free to ask them as separate questions on this site. I will happily upvote them!