What would explain an intense feeling of being extremely present, automatically -randomly and for no reason ?
ThisThe feeling is not tied to any behavior or, thought or action. It comes out of no wherenowhere, when doing a usual remedial task, like driving or just sittingwalking somewhere. ItAlso, it is not periodic (and very possible may onlycould happen once or twice in a life time).
..and is there a name for this?
(It shares some similarities with peak experience but seems different than flow, in that flow it is based on an activity and incorporates polarized emotions, enjoyment, etc).
editEdit - To clarify as asked in the comments: ThisTo clarify as asked in the comments:
This feeling of intense present can be analogousanalogous to the moment of having a crazy dream full of action and chaos, then all of a sudden awaking to a dead silent and still bedroom. Or another example; one is sitting in a library and a large air conditioning system is running but not consciously noticed. Then, all of a sudden it switches off and there is a feeling if intense quietness and stillness and awareness of its absence. (These are analogous moments, where there is that dramatic switch in state... that is the subject in question but in this case not tied to any external event or dream.)
Or perhaps just feeling really awake or effortlessly alert more than usual. It also is ABSENTSABSENCE of any conflict, tiredness, negativity and/or tension. In addition, it is of a nutralneutral disposition- not happy and not sad, just extreme sense of being. There is no need for a specific focus and could happen when driving or walking.