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Justas's user avatar
Justas's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
7 votes

Why do programmers work at night?

7 votes

What do the weights of an artificial neural network represent in biological neurons?

6 votes

Where would a cognitively separated person get their brain signals excited from?

5 votes

Why is "breaking a car" considered a sort of therapy?

5 votes

When a group of people laugh, people will instinctively look at the person they feel closest to in that group

4 votes

What exactly are the X and the Y axis of a brainwave?

4 votes

What does "Convolutional" signify in "Convolutional Neural Network"?

4 votes

Do animals that sleep during the day have a different sleep architecture than those who sleep at night?

4 votes

Objective test for self-awareness?

4 votes

In NEURON simulator, how can I save the values of a graph to a file?

3 votes

How does listening to music decrease stress?

3 votes

What is the psychology behind the need to be the centre of attention?

3 votes

What are some psychologically normal reasons for a parent to reject their child?

2 votes

Is there a name for having an obsessive interest in new topics for short periods of time?

2 votes

How similar are human brains within the same haplogroup?

2 votes

What is this method used in the "it's not your fault" segment of Good Will Hunting and why does it work?

2 votes

In NEURON simulator, what is the command for "Init & Run" button?

2 votes

Do all types of synapses in the brain change based on spike-timing-dependent plasticity?

1 vote

Why do many people play Candy Crush without ever buying anything while some spend all their money on it?

1 vote

In NEURON simulator, how do you pan and zoom a plotted graph?

1 vote

Why do people tend to reply to only one topic when multiple topics are brought up simultaneously?

1 vote

Neurotransmitter control via biofeedback?

1 vote

What is a science concept that we can teach preschoolers that's purely visual?

1 vote

Which function to use for fitting learning curves?