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Zelda's user avatar
Zelda's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 9 years ago
  • Iowa
142 votes

How is it that taking a break from a problem sometimes allows you to figure out the answer?

70 votes

Does writing something down help memorize it?

25 votes

Is there a term for trying to remember a word, but only remembering its first letter?

22 votes

Is there a correlation between high IQ and creativity?

21 votes

How is a young child able to learn language so easily?

21 votes

Is there a term for individuals who can "visualize" numbers and advanced mathematics?

19 votes

Are spaced flashcards effective for learning?

18 votes

What was the experiment where you pour liquid from a tall container to a short one and ask a child which has more?

17 votes

What is the definition of sanity? How can I prove someone either sane or insane?

16 votes

Any work being done on Perception, Action, and/or Cognition in Video games?

14 votes

What can we learn from the neural networks of C.elegans to understand human brains?

14 votes

Public domain scientific intelligence test available for use in research

12 votes

What is a neurobiological explanation of borderline personality disorder?

12 votes

How can I find open access journals for cognitive science research?

12 votes

What is the term for "What has been seen cannot be unseen" in cognitive sciences?

10 votes

Does teaching a bird an artificial task like eating from a feeder hurt its performance in the wild?

10 votes

Bias by which we tend to accept vague descriptions of ourselves

10 votes

Why are some people unable to easily memorize the lyrics to a song?

9 votes

How does posture affect cerebral blood flow?

9 votes

Does not consistently providing a reward strengthen operant conditioning?

8 votes

Do persons with autism have a bigger genetic predisposition to psychosis/schizophrenia?

7 votes

Is there a technical term for "fear of the unknown"?

7 votes

How does knowledge about a subject aid in its recall?

7 votes

Why is it easier to remember the correct response for problems with many options rather than just two?

7 votes

Is there a field of research based around music and emotion in the brain?

6 votes

Do children show top-down processing as much as adults do?

6 votes

What is the relationship between self-perceptions and actual driving ability?

5 votes

Are there any laws of memory?

5 votes

Simulate colorblindness in non-colorblind individuals

5 votes

Measuring meta-intelligence