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6 votes

Does the split brain disprove a materialistic mind?

The question title reads: Does the split brain disprove a materialistic mind? The simple answer being no, nothing disproves that - the brain harbors the mind (e.g., Lilienfeld & Arkowitz, 2008). ...
AliceD's user avatar
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What is the consequences to be a person who works in theory of science?

Quoting from "Cognitive Reflection and Decision Making" Many researchers have emphasized the distinction between two types of cognitive processes: those executed quickly with little conscious ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
4 votes

What is it called when you imagine what other people would say or do in a certain situation?

Humans have a natural ability to predict the behavior of others called folk psychology: ... folk psychology, or commonsense psychology, is a human capacity to explain and predict the behavior and ...
Arnon Weinberg's user avatar
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4 votes

What does "The brain has its own language for testing the structure and consistency of the world." refer to?

Dr. Sagan is referring to the brain's ability to produce models of the world in order to test predictions. In terms of psychology contemporary with Carl Sagan, he may have been referring to, in part,...
Alec Hoyland's user avatar
4 votes

Are there any significant alternatives to the theory that the mind exists?

Yes, depending on what "mind" means. A common folk perception of the "mind" is that there is some sort of operator within the brain, a unified conscious homunculus. Instead, cognitive neuroscience ...
MrRedwood's user avatar
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4 votes

Are there any significant alternatives to the theory that the mind exists?

Theory of mind doesn't really "presuppose" a mind. Theory of mind is just a name for a particular cognitive capacity: the ability to know that you have a mental state and to realize that others have a ...
Bryan Krause's user avatar
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Why is the theory of mind named as such?

Probably because it was defined as: An individual has a theory of mind if he imputes mental states to himself and others. [...] In this paper we speculate about the possibility that the chimpanzee ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
2 votes

Why is IIT "unmotivated"?

I suspect that the reason he considers it unmotivated is that he would like to see a theory that can explain the hard problem(s) of consciousness. In that final paragraph where he argues that the ...
present's user avatar
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2 votes

Are there any significant alternatives to the theory that the mind exists?

If “the mind” in your question means a non-material entity that exists in an animal and that can sense signals from the environment (see, hear, smell, etc.), operate the signals, resulting in various ...
user287279's user avatar
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Books to understand autism?

I'm no expert, but I found Jennifer Cooke O'Toole's The Asperkid's (Secret) Book of Social Rules helpful in understanding parts of autism. It has cheatsheets that may be helpful.
blank's user avatar
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2 votes

recording a psychological state

If what you mean by 'Psychological State' is the current configuration of all the elements of your brain, the answer is easy - we cant record it. It's a matter of complexity. Dr. Lichtman of Harvard ...
Seti Net's user avatar
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1 vote

Books to understand autism?

Temple Grandin is an academic researcher in animal husbandry, on the Autism spectrum. While she is not doing research on autism per say, she has published various books to explain autism to a public ...
J..y B..y's user avatar
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What is it called when the brain creates an alternative reality?

You seem to be referring to two different phenomena to me. The first is where the brain creates an alternative reality while awake, and the second is where you see/hear something going on different to ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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why we failed to convince our own mind by reasoning and rational arguments over mental illness like depression, anxiety, phobia?

Some scientists will say that a fear of heights (and spiders, snakes, and the dark) are innate, i.e. that we are born with them because they confer an evolutionary advantage. In other words, a fear of ...
Pi Da's user avatar
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Why does human mind tend to understand everything in terms of duality or binary states rather than continuum of states?

There are many reasons why people tend to understand things in dualistic ways, but I'll mention two: In the realm of inference (e.g., judging what is true, forming predictions), having mature schema ...
Jdclark's user avatar
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Are there any significant alternatives to the theory that the mind exists?

The denial of mind is called Eliminative Materialism or "Illusionism": Eliminative materialism is the claim that people's common-sense understanding of the mind (or folk psychology) is false and ...
Arnon Weinberg's user avatar
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Is meaning-seeking behavior a biological optimization problem?

According to Applied system-vector psychoanalysis meaning-seeking behaviour is a side effect of the evolutionary formation of the purported "audial vector". "Audial vector" is a ...
drabsv's user avatar
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