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11 votes

How do we know human brain development stops around age 25?

Based on a review by Kolb et al, 2012, it seems that "the brain is finished developing by 25" refers to the point when synaptic pruning in the cerebral cortex levels off, on average. However, the ...
eyeExWhy's user avatar
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5 votes

Do ADHD drugs harm the brain?

This section from the Wikipedia page on Neuroplasticity indicates (emphasis mine) Reviews of MRI studies on individuals with ADHD suggest that the long-term treatment of attention deficit ...
Marc.2377's user avatar
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4 votes

Variation in prefrontal cortex development

In the last 20 years or so, a growing amount of neuroimaging research has demonstrated that adolescence is a period of continued brain growth and change, challenging longstanding assumptions that the ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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4 votes

Do ADHD drugs harm the brain?

If one was to take a 30mg dose once a day for 50+ years, would it damage brain function at all? You ask a very good question, but I'm going to rephrase it for you: Is the chronic administration of ...
faustus's user avatar
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Death caused by "Failure to Thrive" (FTT)

The reason for failure to thrive other than insufficient nutrition, can be suppressed growth hormone secretion due to emotional neglect. In the following example, both the emotional neglect and ...
Jan's user avatar
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3 votes

how does our brain knows the simialrities between anything?

The brain has the abilities to do a lot of marvelous things: It can convert electromagnetic waves that reach the eyes into spectacular visions of faces, people, trees, animals, houses, etc. It can ...
user287279's user avatar
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Body temperature increasing when trying to solve difficult problems

The "overheat" (flushing of the skin) you experience is a common-enough reaction to stress, part of the fight-or-flight response. It's not uncommon for people to experince it during exams; generally ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
2 votes

Why can't we do the things we know instantaneously?

Motor learning is a complex process (Wolpert & Flanagan, 2010). Oftentimes the process is broken up in elements (Weaver, 2015): a cognitive phase; an associative phase; an autonomous phase. The ...
AliceD's user avatar
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2 votes

When does the brain stem appear in humans?

I'm not sure this question is answerable at that specificity. There isn't a discrete point in time where the cells are definitively a brain stem rather than a precursor structure such the bulge ...
Cameron Brick's user avatar
2 votes

What are the effects of antipsychotic medication on brain volume?

Yes, there are different results published because it is an open research question. It is a tricky question to figure out due to substantial confounding factors so some results might skew for and some ...
researcher145212's user avatar
2 votes

Is cortical magnification in the visual system related to synaptic pruning, or is it a separate developmental or learning process?

No, it's not due to synaptic pruning. If it were due to synaptic pruning babies would have better vision(esp. Peripheral) but that is not the case. Babies only have better hearing. No, it is not ...
sram022's user avatar
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Modelling the Human Brain as a directed graph

Axo-axonic synapses and dendrodendritic synapses exist, and are not errors. They are particularly common in invertebrate nervous systems but are also found between particular cells in mammalian brains....
Bryan Krause's user avatar
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1 vote

why are all human brains so similar in brain structure, specialization of their parts and functioning?

Up until the 70s and 80s, there were decades of hot debate about whether some phenotype such as brain structure or some behavior were caused by genes or by environment. Wikipedia has a decent summary ...
Cameron Brick's user avatar
1 vote

How do we know human brain development stops around age 25?

In the book The Naked Ape Desmond Morris (a zoologist and perhaps evolutionary psychologist) says that human brain stops developing when the skull is fully developed, which is around age 25. The ...
Ooker's user avatar
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Are there any long term cognitive impairments from prolonged period reduced sleep?

Wikipedia has some good information on this issue. Search for: Effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive performance In summary, 'yes', sleep deprivation can have a multitude of negative ...
tale852150's user avatar
1 vote

How does the brain encode order of information in sentences/stories?

Similar to your other question, this one reduces to "what are the neural mechanisms behind language?", which is very much a work in progress. The only neural model of language that I currently know ...
Seanny123's user avatar
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What are the effects of antipsychotic medication on brain volume?

Dopamine availability can increase neurogenesis/neuroplasticity in adult brains. Antipsychotic medications, therefore, may have the opposite effect. Borta, A., & Höglinger, G. U. (2007). Dopamine ...
Yuri Zavorotny's user avatar
1 vote

Does logical thinking or counting develop first in children?

Logical Thinking is a very broad class of phenomena whereas counting is a very specific one. Logical Thinking dependes on the invidual having logical operations, which follow a course of development ...
Lulander's user avatar

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