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The computer model of the brain

This question's reference to a classical computer refers to a "Turing Machine" style of computation, also known as a knowledge system, in which decisions and possible results are pre-...
4 votes

What are some credible conferences and journals in computational neuroscience?

Adding to what was already mentioned, there are several "Frontiers" journals: Frontiers in Neuroscience Frontiers in Neural Circuits Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience Frontiers in Synaptic ...
awakenting's user avatar
4 votes

Converting human's memory into digital data

I am wondering whether converting someone's memory into digital data is possible or not. Not today, but it is an active area of research. One non-profit foundation, headed by computational ...
Rob's user avatar
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4 votes

Is it fair to categorize the neurons in the output layer of artificial neural networks as grandmother cells?

I would say it depends on what your goals are and what parts of the grandmother cell "story" you want to highlight. Sure, the output layer is grandmother-like because it can represent single concepts ...
Bryan Krause's user avatar
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How do we know that neurons are the only cells involved in cognitive computation?

For what it's worth, I don't think the biologists are making this assumption; the biology clearly shows it is not correct to exclude, say, astrocytes from "computation" in the broadest sense....
Bryan Krause's user avatar
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Looking for a paper: AI in human host

Finally! I found a news article explaining the Echoborg. The research was done in 2015 by Kevin Corti and Alex Gillespi at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Published at ...
Matthias Pitscher's user avatar
3 votes

Difference between brain and electronic device signals

This is a pretty broad question, however I think it's common enough that I think it's worth trying to answer. I'll break it down into the following: What signals do the brain send? How are these ...
Seanny123's user avatar
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2 votes

What is understanding of natural language and how can we test or measure it?

Natural language understanding systems can be based on discourse representation theories, which represent the meaning of English sentences as first-order logical predicates. Attempto Controlled ...
Anderson Green's user avatar
2 votes

What are some credible conferences and journals in computational neuroscience?

I am not an expert on AI, but Cognitive Sciences at Indiana University lists the following journals that cover your topic. The journals look credible, as they are published by Elsevier and MIT, both ...
AliceD's user avatar
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What are the top contributions from neuroscience to AI and viceversa? How much progress has been made from the interaction between these two fields?

There is a really close correspondence between Auditory Scene Analysis and Computational Auditory Scene Analysis. If you tried to build a speech recognition system, especially for use in noisy ...
StrongBad's user avatar
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Question concerning Jeff Hawkins' On Intelligence

Summary I think Hawkins' terminology tends to be not as precise as it should be. I guess that's the root cause of this question as well. The impression that Hawkins says computers or neural networks ...
jcsahnwaldt Reinstate Monica's user avatar
2 votes

Integrated Information Theory - If correct could humans create artificial consciousness?

IIT implies that just about everything is 'conscious' (to a degree) in that you can measure its integrated information to say how conscious it is, while accepting that what we as humans typically ...
Bryan Krause's user avatar
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Is there a biological equivalent to the bias term used in artificial neural networks?

Let's call "response function" the function that gives a neuron's firing rate (or probability of firing) given its input. Then, different kinds of neurons have different response functions. All of ...
Martino's user avatar
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When can we say that machines are conscious?

All we can say now is that machines have aspects of consciousness. This is according to Pagel (2017), who provides a summary of the various areas web-based browsers meet the criteria, or not: Pagel ...
Psychm's user avatar
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Is there any recent review of the book "Scripts, Plans, Goals, and Understanding: An Inquiry Into Human Knowledge Structures"?

That's not really how scientific publishing works; people don't typically "review" old books. They do cite them, though. You can search for a book or paper on Google Scholar and click the &...
Bryan Krause's user avatar
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1 vote

What does "all-or-nothing" means in spiking neural network?

I guess it comes from physiology where the strength of the response of a neuron or muscle fiber doesn't have anything to do with the strength of the stimulus. If a stimulus is above a certain ...
Shailendra Patel's user avatar
1 vote

What does "all-or-nothing" means in spiking neural network?

For an artificial network, yes, it typically means there is a binary output; this is a standard neuron model. For a biological network, it's a bit more complicated, because although any moment in time ...
Bryan Krause's user avatar
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Can the human brain be simulated by a computer?

To my knowledge (I hold an advanced degree in the field), there is no widely-accepted research that documents that the brain cannot be simulated using a classical computer. Our current understanding ...
End Antisemitic Hate's user avatar
1 vote

Where to find patient responses on Rorschach's Inkblot test?

Unfortunately, Exner scoring seems to be the standard for Rorschach test studies. The scores are likely a way of protecting patients that may give very personal answers that can identify them. For ...
Poidah's user avatar
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Converting human's memory into digital data

Rob's answer is good: lots of detail on current research. What is meant by memory? Nearly all of the operations of the brain are based on or involve retrieving previous states of physiology or ...
Cameron Brick's user avatar
1 vote

The computer model of the brain

This line of thought actually represents the current state of the art in scientific approaches to the brain. Before we discovered electricity and that (peripheral) neurons conduct electricity, one ...
noumenal's user avatar
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Counterfactual thinking and the origin of language

This is controversial, to say the least, and possibly false according to one interpretation on such experiments with monkeys. But note that there is a subtlety here: the way counterfactuals are ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
1 vote

What are some credible conferences and journals in computational neuroscience?

You also will want to check out PLOS Computational Biology. Most importantly, you want to read reviews in journals such as Nature Reviews Neuroscience, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, and Trends in ...
honi's user avatar
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What is "intelligence" in "artificial intelligence"?

This is a very broad and not well defined issue, but two theories that may help you to get a better understanding are the following : Triarchic theory of intelligence by Robert J. Sternberg ...
DesignerAnalyst's user avatar
1 vote

Other emotions relative to angry/happy base emotions

As I mentioned in the comments, the tool we're using is pyAudioAnalysis. The tool's author, Theodoros Giannakopoulos, also wrote an earlier paper "A dimensional approach to emotion recognition of ...
RJB's user avatar
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Is the current approach to AI learning essentially behaviourism?

This is an interesting proposal, but I think is not quite right when we look the definitions at the base. To start Behaviorism assumes that behavior is either a reflex evoked by the pairing of certain ...
Jeff's user avatar
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When can we say that machines are conscious?

Taking a different tack, we can ask why this question is different from "When can we say that machines produce heat?" or "When can we say that machines generate rotational force?". ...
Daniel Boyd's user avatar

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