In his book *[12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos][1]* (Peterson, 2018) has following quote:

> If you will not **reveal** yourself to others, you cannot reveal yourself
> to yourself. That  does not only mean that you suppress who you are,
> although it also means that. It means  that so much of what you could
> be will never be forced by necessity to come forward. This  is a
> biological truth, as well as a conceptual truth. When you explore
> boldly, when you  voluntarily confront the unknown, you gather
> information and build your renewed self  out of that information. That
> is the conceptual element. However, researchers have  recently
> discovered that new genes in the central nervous system turn
> themselves on when an organism is placed (or places itself) in a new situation. These genes code for new 
proteins. These proteins are the building blocks for new structures in the brain. This 
means that a lot of you is still nascent, in the most physical of senses, and will not be 
called forth by stasis. You have to say something, go somewhere and do things to get 
turned on.

I am puzzled what he means by word **reveal** above? 

why would you not want to reveal (whatever he means) yourself? Can you give some explanations what you think?

## References

Peterson, J. (2018). *12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos*. Toronto: Penguin Random House. ISBN: [0345816021][2]
