Having not read the book I looked it up and [found how the relaxation technique was described in the book](https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/heart-and-soul-healing/201303/dr-herbert-benson-s-relaxation-response). From this I can tell you that the technique is called Progressive Muscle Relaxation [PMR] ([McCallie, Blum, & Hood, 2006][1]). PMR involves the process of feeling the muscles in your body relax starting from one end of the body to the other, noticing the difference in sensation whilst also listening to your slow deep breathing. You can obtain plenty of free or paid for PMR scripts through searching on Google. <h2>References</h2> McCallie, M. S., Blum, C. M., & Hood, C. J. (2006). Progressive muscle relaxation. *Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment*, 13(3), 51-66.<br>DOI: [10.1300/J137v13n03_04][1] [1]: https://doi.org/10.1300/J137v13n03_04