Questions tagged [working-memory]

For questions specific to studying/testing working memory and its capacity

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1 vote
1 answer

Is there a word for when thinking of other numbers interferes with working memory retention?

Is there a word for when thinking of other numbers interferes with working memory retention? So suppose you take the digit span test and it's 6178423 and you go to type out 61784 and then forget 23 ...
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1 answer

Why can I sometimes retrive memories when not thinking actively about it but can't when actively thinking?

To speed up time my efficiency on the computer, I had started to use key bindings. These are some keys you press together and you'll directly get a desired result. One common one I use is the windows ...
2 votes
0 answers

Non-binary scores for backward digit span (BDS)

A common test of memory span is to display or utter a sequence of numbers and then request that a candidate being assessed repeat that sequence of numbers in reverse order. Typically, the candidate's ...
1 vote
0 answers

Pros & Cons of "Memory Palace" vs regular "Working Memory"

Hi I'm trying to understand the limitations of the techniques which "memory champions" employ, in comparison to say: working memory. Working memory seems quite limited, but it is at least ...
3 votes
1 answer

What is a formal word or term for forgetting what you were doing or saying while doing or saying it?

While running downstairs to do something important, I notice how sunny it is outside, and by the time I reach the bottom of the stairs I forgot why I ran down the stairs in the first place! Or I’m in ...
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1 answer

How move Working Memory (WM) span task into a VR?

How a classic Working Memory Capacity task that can be translated into a VR Task? I want to study the effect of WM Load into resource allocation in a VR Environment. To do so I would like to move a WM ...
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0 answers

Is memory adversely affected after you stop smoking?

An answer to Can you use harmful addictions to build good habits? points to an interesting article by Heishman et al. (2010) which points out that: Short-term episodic memory-accuracy Analysis of the ...
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0 answers

How does social interaction affect the decrease in performance when multitasking?

A well known effect of multitasking is that if you have to switch to do another one, then your performance of both will decrease, in compared to the performance when you do them separately. FYI: ...
1 vote
0 answers

Difference in neural activity of a thought vs. a memory

I want to understand the difference in neural activity between a "thought" and a "memory impression". Is it a "thought" while the neural activity is present in working ...
5 votes
1 answer

What is a Good Working Memory Test Online (or overall if none)?

By good, I mean three things: Accepted by professional doctors/psychologists/psychiatrists. Has supporting research. Has an established norm and can tell you where you are relative to the ...
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2 answers

Improving backward item retention

I am trying to improve my performance in auditory backward retention tests. The task consists in trying to repeat in the reverse order the longest possible series of digits after hearing a series of ...
5 votes
1 answer

Is there any reason why chunking the digit span test would not help?

Is there any reason why chunking the digit span test would not help, and what is the average score without chunking? By chunking I mean any rehearsal besides saying the numbers one time as they appear....
1 vote
2 answers

Do we learn to improve our working memory capacity without sitting WM tests?

Do we learn to improve our working memory capacity without sitting WM tests? Working memory capacity can be measured, but I wondered whether the only way to improve it is learning techniques for ...
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1 answer

Memory Retention of [submininal] information

How effective is memory retention of [subliminal] information when specifically focusing your attention on a different focal point? I.e... If I attempt to retain information from a lecture by playing ...
-2 votes
1 answer

What caused psychologists to be so wrong about the size of working memory?

They used to think that the size of working memory was 7 items, on average. Now, according to fMRI, it's believed to be only 4. Source: In his TED talk, around 5:20, Peter Doolittle says the estimate ...
2 votes
1 answer

What do psychologists call the ability to quickly revise and remember things that a person had previously learnt

I am someone very far away from psychology, actually an engineering student, but I came up with this curiosity a few days ago. To be specific, let's assume someone is learning physics. He previously ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is short-term memory theoretically possible to with spiking neurons?

So I close my eyes, turn around, open them for just a blink and close again. I have observed a chair. I can't tell you how the chair looks like in detail, but I can more or less tell its shape and ...
1 vote
2 answers

Memory game - short or long-term memory?

There is a game where "a suitcase is packed" and you have to remember all the words or objects that are packed into the suitcase. Each participant adds a new word to the "chain of words&...
3 votes
0 answers

Can memory span be increased with training? [duplicate]

It is known that the average person can only hold 7 ± 2 items in their short term memory. Can this number be increased with training without the use of mnemonics (for example the major system or the ...
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Measure of short term memory

I'm doing a study on the impact of video quality and memory. The subject groups are going to watch a video of someone reciting 20 or so facts, and then will be asked to recall the facts or answer ...
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1 answer

Why do we sometimes forget the retrospective component of a particular task?

I'm sure everyone experienced it quite a few times before. For example, sometimes when we go to the kitchen to grab something the moment we get to the kitchen you forget what you were trying to get. ...
1 vote
1 answer

relationship between mood and working memory

What is the relationship between working memory and positive or negative mood as higher order affective states which can change vary slowly compared to moment-to-moment affective responses (both ...
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Importance of memory on learning?

I've been studying into the important of memory and learning. I think it's undeniable that part of learning is requiring the retrieval of information at the relevant times, but the counter argument I'...
7 votes
1 answer

What effects does multitasking have on comprehension and memory of audiobooks/speech?

I've heard around that our comprehension of audiobooks versus read books is roughly on the same level (the processes aren't really all that different, usually when we read we vocalize the words in our ...
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N-Back implementation?

I'm a programmer writing a small n-Back test/game app,and certain things are still ambiguous to me: 1-is there a standard implementation used in research(for example displaying a sequence of pictures ...
2 votes
1 answer

The relationship between semantic memory and concepts/procedures

I try to analyse my memory and cognition while learning coding and generally interacting with a computer to develop more meta cognition. I found many times that I remember the words and some ...
6 votes
2 answers

Is there another word for 'affective control'?

In this paper, the authors use the term 'affective control' or the slightly longer form 'affective cognitive control capacity' to mean 'the ability to regulate emotions or manipulate emotional ...
14 votes
2 answers

What is the effect of mindfulness practice on cognition?

The following article by ScienceDaily reported on a paper in Psychological Science (Mrazek et al., 2013), claiming that mindfulness training led to improved working memory and GRE scores. These ...
2 votes
0 answers

Is it possible to segregate components of verbal and visuospatial working memory using n-back paradigm?

I am trying to segregate different components of verbal working memory and visuospatial working memory. In order to assess verbal working memory I am using an auditory version of n-back task with a ...
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0 answers

Recovery of memory especially working memory after depression

The impact of depression on memory and working memory has been discussed extensively in the thread below. I can't seem to find information about rehabilitation and recovery of memory after depression....
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Supposed 'brain training' [duplicate]

The term brain training is nothing new, however how effective is the 'N-back' method, does this work scientifically speaking? There are mixed reviews on this: one claiming it works https://www....
3 votes
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Is it possible that information is stored based on similarity in the working memory?

Baddeley's model suggests two buffers in the working memory: a phonological loop for acoustic, and a visuospatial sketchpad for visual information. The evidence is that auditory interference caused ...
4 votes
1 answer

How to improve working memory in adults?

Think Better on Your Feet: How to Improve Your Working Memory in: A Man's Life, Money & Career Brett and Kate McKay • September 20, 2016, Last updated: October 17, 2018 https://www.artofmanliness....
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0 answers

Is there some cognitive test besides (visual) working memory in which some animals are superior to humans?

Assuming the research of Matsuzawa et al. (2007) (see also BBC video (2013)) isn't misleading, are there any other cognitive areas where chimpanzees (or other primates) have been observed to surpass ...
4 votes
0 answers

What is a validated online tool to administer Stroop and N-back test?

I'm trying to conduct a study in the field of cognitive experimental psychiatry. I need an online tool on a PC-based setup to administer Stroop, N-back, and choice reaction time tests. I found ...
3 votes
0 answers

How to train/develop photographic memory?

In this older post, @Beofett asked whether photographic memory (I don't really know if this is the correct term) was even possible... For me, photographic memory is the impressing ability to remember ...
8 votes
1 answer

How long could Henry Molaison keep his memory of the present?

I'm talking about Henry Molaison (HM), the famous memory research patient. I hear that he could converse normally with a researcher until he "got distracted", at which point he no longer remembered ...
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2 answers

What is the term for the "knowing what you think but can't explain it" phenomenon?

I think we all experience this phenomenon once in a while, and I am experiencing it right now. It's the feeling that whatever word one tries to say it seems to be wrong (for them) or confusing (for ...
5 votes
1 answer

Opposite of White Bear principle?

Is there any phrase/term to describe the opposite of White Bear principle (also known as ironic process principle)? I'm looking for a word to describe the process where something eludes you the more ...
8 votes
3 answers

Will Our Brain Speed Reduce As Our Memory "Mail Boxes" Fill Up?

I recently stumbled accross the article "When the Brain's Mailbox Is Full", which can be found here: The article ...
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0 answers

Are There Any Customizable Working Memory Tests?

I've found many working memory tests online, but they all use either the digits 0-9, or the alphabet. Is there a working memory test that lets one choose the characters? Ex.: If I input the ...
13 votes
1 answer

Is there any evidence that fluid intelligence is malleable?

So although working memory training was somewhat of a fad (and I guess some benefits did come out of training, like improved attention/executive function), reviews such as Melby-Lervåg et al. (2016) ...
8 votes
1 answer

Link between visual-spatial + verbal working memory and intelligence/academic achievement?

What is the link between someone's visual and spatial working memory, their verbal working memory, and different types of cognitive abilities or tasks? More specifically, intelligence tests (WAIS, ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is there any correlation between n-back level and short-term memory?

I've been reading on n-back's non-transferable working memory training, but if it's just used as a method of measuring the subject's working memory is it a good measurement? Personally, I have a poor ...
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1 answer

How likely is it that rate-of-test-taking impacts on WM tests?

Rate-of-test-taking (also known as r9) is one of the main subsets of processing speed, so is tested via e.g. the symbol digit coding task. I believe it is affected by e.g. depression. How likely is ...
2 votes
0 answers

Does savant people have an Higher/Lower Working Memory?

I have searched a lot about the Working Memory Capacity and savant or eidetic people but I can´t find a paper which describes a correlation between savant/eidetic people and the working memory ...
7 votes
1 answer

In the digit span test, why do some strategies work and others don't?

I got a free copy of PEBL, psych experiment software, which includes a couple of standard working memory tests. When I perform the digit span working memory test, I can repeat the numbers as they ...
1 vote
0 answers

Calculating chance behavior and behavioral strategies in delayed response paradigm [closed]

I am looking for more thoughts on appropriate ways of calculating chance behavior and subsequently calculating behavioral strategies for the following two types of tasks. Both have two types of errors ...
5 votes
1 answer

Does night-sleep-deprivation have any effect on cognitive performance?

Sleeping during the day might lead e.g. to vitamin D deficiency. But I am interested in what effects might night-sleep-deprivation have on cognitive faculties. Does sleeping during the day and ...
-3 votes
1 answer

Do smart drugs (nootropics) make you smarter? [closed]

Do nootropic drugs like modafinil make you smarter? Are they like coffee? Do they improve working memory? Is there a potential for a pill like NZT-48 from the movie Limitless? From the Wikipedia plot ...