Questions tagged [test]

Questions pertaining to the evaluation of performance through formal or informal means, as well as the scoring of such evaluations.

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4 votes
1 answer

How to measure precision in classical test theory framework?

What methods or approaches exist or might be developed to measure precision of measurement in a classical test theory framework? Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (American ...
Joel W's user avatar
  • 121
12 votes
2 answers

Why do men have greater variance than women in mental test scores?

Hedges and Nowell (1995) write that Sex differences in central tendency, variability, and numbers of high scores on mental tests have been extensively studied. Research has not always seemed ...
user1205901 - Слава Україні's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to find the upper and lower quartiles of the Ryff scale?

I received this question via email and thought the answer might be sufficiently general to be worth posting here. I have used the Ryff scale in my research . Actually I am confused about the ...
Jeromy Anglim's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How can the effects of pain on cognitive functions be tested in an ethically accepted way?

I have devised a study that may provide an ethical way to invoke similar behaviours in participants, as those demonstrated by individuals in pain. Obviously it is extremely hard to correctly test ...
David Goddard's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Does Stroop test performance correlate with any personal characteristics or abilities?

Have there been any studies that found that an extremely high (or low) Stroop test score correlates with certain personal characteristics, abilities or aptitudes, or would all such conclusions be ...
w128's user avatar
  • 349
4 votes
1 answer

A subtle test for color-blindness

Is there a test method of proving a person being color-blind, without letting the test subject know, that he/she is being tested? E.g. showing the person cards with colored dots like depicted here is ...
Omnibus's user avatar
  • 41
3 votes
1 answer

Is there a standardised test about emotion perception?

I'm looking for a standardised psychological test to measure how people react to positive and negative emotions. More precisely I want to use such tests to investigate whether an individual is very ...
user6189's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

What is the best short (i.e., roughly 20 item) measure of Big Five personality?

What is the best short set of 20 questions that can give meaningful information about a person's big five personality? In case that's not possible with 20 questions, what's the minimum and where do I ...
Christian's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

Difference between forms of Culture Fair Intelligence Test (CFIT) scale 3

I would really like to know what are the differences between the form A and form B of Cattell's Culture Fair Intelligence Test scale 3? To my knowledge (reading the "methods" section in the ...
Mimimi's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes
0 answers

What are the average raw scores, and standard deviations for the WAIS-IV subtests?

What are the average raw scores, and standard deviations for the WAIS-IV subtests (scores are normalized)? For example, the digit symbol task gives you 120 seconds to substitute as many digits for ...
Kevin Kostlan's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Are Rorschach (inkblot) tests still used as a diagnostic tool?

Are Rorschach tests still used as a diagnostic tool today, or are they just a relic from the 60's? If they are still in use, what sort of information do they provide?
IQAndreas's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

NEO-FFI $t$-score calculation

I am a CS student who has to do an analysis on the NEO-FFI test. I have the results of the questionnaire, however, I couldn't find how to calculate t-scores or raw scores. There are lots of academic ...
Lala's user avatar
  • 11
3 votes
2 answers

What to call measures obtained between pre-test and post-test?

We term pre-test as the data collection/measures before conducting an experiment and post-test is data collection/measures after the experiment. How do we term the process of data collection/measures ...
user39531's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Name of a cognitive test assessing whether a child can think independently

I am looking for a names / examples of a tests that determine if the child is thinking on its own (I have tried searching on wikipedia topics about cognitive sciences/ psychology etc. with no luck). ...
Luntri's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Is there any standardized test / questionnaire to measure frustration?

I'm looking for a well-established standardized test to measure frustration (level) of humans. Is there such an instrument? I'm looking for a relatively short test that assesses frustration level at ...
user6189's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Psychology test stimuli recommended shapes

Is there any list of or a research of recommended 2D (or eventually 3D) shapes that should be used in psychology test stimuli? For example, circle, square, triangle, star, oval, rectangle etc. For ...
Kraken's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

What test could I use to measure the short-term memory capacity of a group of people?

I want to start a project about the best schedules for learning activities focused on college students. Since sleeping patterns are totally different in a young adult/teenager, and many of the classes ...
Alicia's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes
1 answer

How many items do I need to design a measure?

I have to design my own psychometric test to measure a construct. I have a construct, but part of the requirement is to include a rationale for the number of items in the instrument, which I don't ...
user4845's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Why are the Big Five factors of personality correlated?

One of main characteristics of Five Factor Model is that factors are not orthogonal as in some other personality models. Why it is tolerated that those factors are not independent? Is it possible to ...
ICanFeelIt's user avatar
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How to create an online test of bias using preference judgements on pairs of pictures?

I am looking to input pictures into a system to successful measure potential biases. For example let's say I have a set of pictures and I would like the user to press either left or right once they ...
William's user avatar
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0 answers

Is it possible to devise a scientifically valid model for personality preferences or tendencies? [duplicate]

I have been interested in preferences, personality types and related topics for about two years, mainly as a by-product of a personal introspection process. For a long while, I have been quite ...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Which are the most accredited tests for measuring personality traits?

I'm lacking of an academic background. I thought there were only 4 or 16 personality traits. But a fast search on google is showing a huge number: according to this link they should be 638. Is this ...
Revious's user avatar
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How to select vocabulary items for a test designed to expand vocabulary in English as a second language students?

I am developing a personalized android program designed to expand vocabulary for students learning English as a second language. It includes "story-reading" and "Word-Meaning Quizes". First, ...
rentire's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Are there more recent and more scientifically valid alternatives to MMPI?

Are there any other newer / more sophisticated and valid test useful in a diagnosis and further treatment of clinical problems? I'm interested in clinical diagnosis.
Revious's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between the MMPI and the Myers–Briggs Type Inventory?

Can you briefly explain in a non-technical way which are the main differences between the Myers–Briggs Type Inventory and the MMPI test?
Revious's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Innate personality tests: do they exist? If not, why?

A personality is developed by innate factors and by the things that happen in your life, but how would your personality be if you either had received the same amount of positive and negative stimuli ...
user2638180's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Do different methods of testing memory for character sequences result in different brain activation?

Assume a certain sequence of N characters, displayed on a screen one by one, that should be memorized. The speed of the display is such that it doesn't produce much extra stress. You may assume that ...
draks ...'s user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

How to run "inhibition of return" experiments online?

Are there online platforms for running inhibition of return experiments? I want to analyze different cultural groups and an online platform would be the only way to do so.
Dana Sugu's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How do personality tests work that require you to choose one of two statement that applies most to you?

There are different kinds of psychometric tests, I think the numerical and verbal ones are fair enough, I can see their usefulness. However, I cannot understand how the 'soft' psychometric tests work ...
Sam Leach's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How does one make a decision between different cognitive tests for the same construct?

I would like to measure peak cognitive performance in healthy individuals, for situation awareness, reaction time, visuo-spatial processing etc. I am interested in both within-subject and between-...
4th_haim_sister's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Research software for conducting a task between card sorting and sketch map drawing

I'm doing research in Spatial Cognition and am looking for software which will allow me to conduct the following task: Participants will walk around a space and sit down to a computer task afterwards....
Kuba Krukar's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

To what extent is time to complete an intelligence test incorporated into the IQ score?

In this previous question on scoring IQ tests the OP asked about the effect of speed of test, but it was a bit peripheral to the core question. So I thought I'd ask it as a separate question. To ...
Jeromy Anglim's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

How to calculate IQ score based on raw score and adjust for age?

I am having a hard time grasping how IQ scores are calculated. I think it has something to do with their age score ratio multiplied by 100. Say I have a test that holds 30 questions. How would I ...
ProfessorIQ's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Are unconscious thoughts captured by free association?

Does free association writing or talking captures unconscious thoughts? Or maybe they don't because you are conscious during the process?
Reall's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Which parts of cognitive tests are under copyright? Can test rights be purchased for modification?

what are the steps/considerations if I want to modify an exisiting Cognitive Test Battery? 1) How do I know which parts of the test are under copyright? For example, simple digit span isn't under ...
suzyahyah's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How to calculate composite factor scores post factor analysis for a questionnaire?

I have a question with regard to calculating composite factor scores after running a factor analysis in SPSS. My research is on work related stress and I collected my data through a perceived stress ...
Angie's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Philosophy Meets Neuroscience: The Molyneux's Problem

Consider the Molyneux's problem "If a man born blind can feel the differences between shapes such as spheres and cubes, could he similarly distinguish those objects by sight if given the ability to ...
anonymous's user avatar
15 votes
5 answers

Is there an accurate online IQ test for measuring 160+ IQs?

Is there some (preferably free) online and accurate IQ test? One which does not give me an genius IQ and then tries to sell me a diploma. I need one which measures upto 160 sd15 (or higher). Such a ...
z457731's user avatar
  • 151
10 votes
1 answer

How are Raven's Matrices scores converted into age-adjusted IQ?

There are IQ tests based only on Raven's matrices. I wonder how a raw score on such a test is "scaled" to an IQ result. As we all know, IQ results depend on the age of individual tested. So ...
xemlmrx's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Psychometric scale with items in sets where responses imply a rank order of items

My question is related to psychometry. One survey is measured in this way: ...
ICanFeelIt's user avatar
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Why different responses to target and distractor in three-stimulus oddball procedure?

In the three-stimulus oddball procedure, there is an infrequent target in a background of frequently occurring standard stimuli and infrequently occurring distracter stimuli. My question is, since the ...
Dana Sugu's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

What is the standard error of measurement for teacher made multiple choice tests?

Assume a teacher constructs a four-choice multiple choice test. Each item has only one correct response. The test is scored from 0 to 100 representing the percentage of items answered correctly. I ...
Jeromy Anglim's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Should fantasy distractors be avoided in multiple choice questions

Is there any reason not to include fantasy distractors (made-up wrong answers) in multiple choice tests. Examples: What is the name of the compound HCl? a) Hydrochloric acid b) Chlorohydride acid ...
toksing's user avatar
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1 answer

What is a test called that involves indicating whether a line has the same slope as a previous image?

I would like to know the name of the following test: Participants were asked to memorize the slope of a line of a target image. Then different images (lines with varying slopes) were presented ...
sviter's user avatar
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Should always selecting the same response on the IOWA Gambling Test result in a good value?

I was taking the Iowa Gambling Task. I examined what happens when the same option is selected on every run. To my surprise I got a pretty good value when choosing options C and D (\$4500) in every ...
draks ...'s user avatar
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18 votes
5 answers

Is there an open-source / free official Myers-Briggs assessment I can adopt? [closed]

Background I've got an idea for a web site that uses one's Myers-Briggs type as part of the value. I've seen various web sites offer "quick quizzes" to assess one's MBTI, but I'm not sure how ...
SeanKilleen's user avatar
34 votes
2 answers

How valid is Lumosity's Brain Performance Index and what normative information is available?

Background There is a test called Lumosity's Brain Performance Index. A sample profile of scores might be: ...
40pro's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Do the students that report "friendly" teachers perform better on standardized tests?

I'll preface this by saying that I've been considering this question in light of the "Summer of Love" initiative and subsequent blog posts, which are looking at the extent to which comments are "...
Chuck Sherrington's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

What is the name of a test presenting words in different colors?

What's the name of this psychological test where you. Read and pronounce words in three colors (red, blue, green). - Words and colors match. - Say word and color (which are the same). As above - ...
r4.'s user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

How to efficiently get a sense of the meaning of a score on a non-aptitude test that you encounter in a journal article?

Context: When reading research articles in psychology, you often encounter new non-aptitude self-report psychological tests (e.g., measures of personality, well-being, psychopathology, learning style, ...
Jeromy Anglim's user avatar